Watch the video and then answer the questions listed below.
Chinese History: World History Crash Course #7
1. China was the first ______________________, meaning it had a centralized government and bureaucrats who could execute the wishes of that government.
2. This Chinese state lasted from ______________ until _________________.
3. The Chinese state consisted of dynasties. What are dynasties?
4. The mandate of heaven is the idea that there can only be one legitimate ruler that has the support/blessing of the gods. How did the Chinese determine if a dynasty had the mandate of heaven?
5. The name China originated in the ________ dynasty.
6. Confucius argued that the key to bringing about a strong and peaceful state was to look to the past and the model of the _____________________________ and their example of upright, moral behavior.
7. What was Confuciuss version of moral, upright behavior?
8. There are five key relationships in the superior/inferior dynamic; the most important relationship is that of the _______________________________.
9. What is this relationship supposed to contain? Explain.
10. What is the overall goal of the relationship?
11. Why does the mandate of heaven and Confucianism create a fundamental problem with how early Chinese historians wrote their history?
Here is the link to the video ——–