Introduction You are given a scenario based on Wireless Sensor Network to simulate using Network Simulator 3 (NS-3) OR Matlab environment. You need to set up the network using appropriate topology, and select appropriate protocol layers for the application given, and generate data points for variables as per the instructions below. Each data point must be an average of five simulations. Coursework specifications: You can choose option I or II Option I A. Create a grid of sensor nodes B. Incorporate appropriate values for initial energy level at the nodes; appropriate combination of static and mobile nodes C. Choose appropriate topology, and run the simulation for ANY TWO of the protocols: Flooding, AODV, and LEACH; Use the simulation run time of 20. D. Evaluate and compare the performance of the routing protocols by measuring ONE OF THE COMBINATIONS given below of the following network parameters over a period of time. i. Throughput ii. PDF iii. End-to-end delay iv. Energy consumption at node/network level v. Remaining energy of the sink vs. simulation time COMBINATIONS: (i and iii), (i and iv), (i and v), (ii and iii), (ii and iv), (ii and v), and (iv and v) E. Evaluate the performance of WSN in terms of the parameters given in section E against the variable network size (ranging from 10, 50, 100 etc. nodes or similar ratio) of which 10% of the nodes are mobile (choose your own mobility patterns). Option II A. Create a grid of sensor nodes; Use 100 nodes to start with. B. Incorporate appropriate values for initial energy level at the nodes; appropriate combination of static and mobile nodes C. Choose appropriate topology, and run the simulation for LEACH protocol; Use the number of rounds as 100 to start with. D. Evaluate and compare the performance of the routing protocol by measuring the following network parameters over a range of number of rounds. vi. Throughput (Number of packets received by the BS) vii. Number of dead nodes viii. Energy consumption at node/network level E. Evaluate the performance of WSN in terms of the parameters given in section D against the variable network size (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 nodes) of which 10% of the nodes are mobile (choose your own mobility patterns). F. Evaluate each of the network size for a range of number of rounds (100, 300, 500, 800 and 1000). You will need to discuss the network behaviour and the rational in detail in your report. Assessment and Feedback Assessment of the CW is via submission of a written report by 9th May 2021. A written feedback will be provided by 4th June 2021. This is an individual assessment. Marking Scheme: The marking scheme for the CW is given in the following table.
Sensor network simulation and analysis