I need to do an assignment on a proper Christian response to gender dysphoria. It needs to contain at least two points in favor of my position, one argument against it, and a response to that argument. We need to use the course materials. You can use Pauls teaching on Jesus Resurrection you wrote before and the Chapter 2 summary you just wrote. We need three sources, so you can use any other you like, but the information cannot be too different from the courses material.
You wrote these in the Chapter 2 summary:
The loyalty towards Christ is strengthened by commands that urge Christians to love other people just as they love themselves. It also advocates for peace through peace and harmony. Paul, one of the early Christians, stated the significance of the state in preventing crime and evil in society. When people learn about Christianity and make decisions to become Christians, they are heirs of a specific culture which is difficult to reject since it is part of them and part of their lives.
Christianity needs to deploy other tactics to succeed rather than focusing on encouraging the Christians to detach from their culture, which is part of their lives. Christians are connected to certain customs, traditions, and cultures.
I think you can use these points and any points from what you read and wrote for my course before.
Write about 650 words.
Paul. (n.d.). The Resurrection of Christ. Retrieved from biblegateway.com: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%2015&version=NIV