** Applied Behavior Analysis Research Paper **
Paper Sections:
– Study of self-injurious behaviors and the intervention with Functional Communication Training
– Title Abstract.
– Introduction (12 pages).
- The intent of this research is to investigate the use of Functional Communication Training to Reduce Self-Injurious Behaviors.
– Literature Review (68 pages).
- Conduct a review of the theoretical and research literature that supports your research question
– Methodology (3-4 pages).
- Include descriptions of the sample, target population, inclusion or exclusion criteria, recruitment strategy, ethical considerations, procedure, instruments, materials, and analysis.
- Participants (be sure to include pseudonym for each participant).
- Procedures and Intervention Plan.
- Data collection.
- Experimental Design.
- Review the Methods and Implementation Plan Draft aspect of the scoring guide for specifics before completing and submitting this assignment.
– Expected Results (1-2 pages).
- Use the literature reviewed to anticipate findings that are likely to result from the collection and interpretation of data.
– Conclusion (12 pages).
- Identify the implications of expected results and address the implications for potential stakeholders.
- Explain the significance of the study to the scientific community.
- Discuss ethical considerations of the intervention and results.
- Discuss limitations of the study and offer suggestions for future research.
– References and Appendices.
– APA 7 Times New Roman, 12-point font.
– 1215 pages in length (excluding title page, abstract, table of contents, and reference list).
– Reference at least 10 scholar sources
Use SIB Paper references attached
Sample Paper for direction attached
Study of self-injurious behaviors and the intervention with Functional Communication Training