Students will write a 1500 or more words research paper in the Chemistry or BiologyCareers category. Science buddies has a list of over 100 science related careers thatyou can choose from. paper must be composed of three main parts have a cover page (1st page) and aworks cited (last page) with the body of the paper in the middle, all parts in MLAstyle (Google it!).The body of your paper must be typed using double space paragraph format on theentire paper, including the cover page, and the works cited page. (This means skip a linebetween every sentence. In word, go to “format,” then in format scroll down to”paragraphs” and in there is a box called “spacing,” scroll down to “double” and it willautomatically double space for you.). HEY, DONT TRY TO PLAY ME You must use standard-sized paper (8.5 x 11) with 1 inch margins on all sides and 12point size Times New Roman font. The use of double space, font style, and font sizeapplies to ALL PARTS of your paper.Cover page Example In the middle of the paper, centered (1st Page):”Title (you choose title)””Full Name”Section Number”Mrs. Warren-Moteane Chemistry””Due date (top of this page)”Introduction:At the end of your introduction include a thesis statement. A thesis statement usuallyappears near the end of the introductory paragraph of a paper, and it offers a concisesummary of the main point or claim of the essay, research paper, etc. A thesisstatement is usually one sentence that appears at the end of the first paragraph, thoughit may occur as more than one. The thesis statement is developed, supported, andexplained in the course of the paper by means of examples and evidence.Body/paragraphs :(Answer all questions)1. What type of Schools offer this major/area of study?2. What are the admissions criteria to get into these colleges?3. What classes are needed to obtain this career?4. What are the costs to obtain this major?5. What Employers/Companies offer employment in this area?6. Can you work independently (not under a company)?7. What are the job descriptions in detail?8. Why is this chemistry career important to our way of life as humans?9. What are the salaries for the job starting, middle, and max?10. What is the projected need for this career?11. Where is this career popular (state, country location)?Final paragraph of paper: Would you want to do this job and would this job befavorable from an economic point of view i.e. would this job give you the life style youwant or afford you the things you want to buy? Would this job we worth the investmentput in i.e. time and money for your education. Give reasons to explain your decision.Works Cited Page Example (Last Page): Reference last names must be listed in ALPHA ORDER.Title of this page is Works Cited Reference PageLast name of author, First initial. (Year). Title of book/journal entry/article. Where did itcome from? (textbook, publishing company). Enter exact date if given. Enter webaddress (URL).Example:Warren, K. (1998). Silver: The Life of Ag. Eagle Publishing Co. October 23 rd .Things To Remember:Note: cover page instructions followed correctly.Note: double space between the information.Note: indent the second line five spaces when referencing and starting a new paragraph.Note: MLA requires a works cited reference page at the end of the paper.Note: works cities page needs to be on a separate page at the end.*This is a research paper. It must be one whole paper. I will not take it in parts and Iwill not take it printed. Papers must be submitted electronically only viaSchoology.NOTE: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!!!!!If more than 20% of your paper belongs to another author


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