Hospitality Leadership: Your Future!
Over the duration of this course, we have explored a variety of topics that impact our industry. We have also looked closely at topics related to where hospitality is today and how it might be in the future. As well, we have engaged with a variety of leaders working in our industry, hearing directly from them about some of the challenges they face and the successes they have experienced.
Given these perspectives, write a reflective paper to explain the following:
- Considering your future career direction and the decisions you will make along the way; please identify two-class topics you have reflected on the most (that has interested you most significantly) and explain why this is the case.
- Considering this, what are your priorities as a future hospitality leader?
- As you move forward in your career, how will you balance the expectations of the guest, your values, and the needs of the business?
This reflective paper should be roughly 1000 words.
Please see Reflective Writing – for guidance on how to write a reflective essay.
Please note that in a reflective essay you are encouraged to use subjective statements and personal pronouns – in other words, you can write ‘I think’ or ‘I have noticed’ or ‘I feel’ within reason. You may also use a combination of past, present, and future tense. * This written assignment must adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. Significant learner resources are available through the .
OPTION B – A Visual Arts Representation + Short Paper
Given the perspectives noted above, create a visual representation of your reflection and write a short paper that supports your thoughts and explains the visual representation.
Your submission should answer the following questions using a combination of visual aids (Part 1) & written materials (Part 2).
- Considering your future career direction and the decisions you will make along the way; please identify two-class topics you have reflected on the most (that has interested you most significantly) and explain why this is the case.
- Considering this, what are your priorities as a future hospitality leader?
- As you move forward in your career, how will you balance the expectations of the guest, your values, and the needs of the business?
PART 1: Visual Representation
This visual representation can take a number of forms- it is up to you. It could be:
- A poster mind map. This can be hand-drawn or done with software. If you’ve never done a mind map before, up to 9:30 and then Google “mind map” for other ideas.
- A poster collage. This can be done with paper or software, such as a photo collage. For a video on paper collages, see .
- A visual representation of your thoughts in another format such as painting, clay, or other visual arts medium such as video.
PART 2: Written Essay
This essay should walk the reader through your visual representation (that is, your mind map, collage, etc.). It should answer such questions as: What is the reader looking at? What do the visuals represent? What do they mean to you? What conclusion do they make about your reflection? As well, the essay should address the questions noted above.
The essay should be 500 words. Please see – for guidance on how to write a reflective essay.
Please note that in a reflective essay you are encouraged to use subjective statements and personal pronouns – in other words, you can write ‘I think’ or ‘I have noticed’ or ‘I feel’. You may also use a combination of past, present, and future tense. * This written assignment must adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. Significant learner resources are available through the .