This final Assignment provides an opportunity to consider strategies for communicating science and health research to the public. You will select a current primary research article and utilize the NIH Tool A Checklist for Communicating Science and Health Research to the Public, found on the NIH Clear Communication Science, Health, and Public Trust page, to summarize the article for the general public.
By Day 7 of Week 11
Find a current primary research article published within the last year with a biological focus. Prepare and submit your Assignment that includes the following:
- An APA style title page, including your name, date, course and section, and title
- APA style headings for each section below
- Explain how you would address each bullet point in the Setting the Stage and Describing the Science section of the NIH Tool: A Checklist for Communicating Science and Health Research to the Public if you were summarizing your selected primary research article for the general public
- Using the information provided above, provide a 1 page summary of the article that could be published in a newspaper or in an online article available for review by the general public.
- Cite the sources within your text in APA style
- Include an APA formatted reference list at the end of your Assignment.
Your Instructor uses the Module 6 Assignment 2 Rubric to grade this Assignment.