Americans retreated from the New World Order because

 at.  Funding for defense-related spending stagnated.

 b.  U.S. power so overwhelmed our allies and enemies that the morality of victory was questioned around the world.

 vs.  It was difficult to accomplish and unpopular with the American people.

 d.  The United States was unsuccessful in rescuing American servicemen in Somalia.

 2.5 points


 In the 1950s, two of three families had a parent who stayed at home full-time.  By the year 2000, the share of families with at-home parents stood at

 at.  66 percent.

 b.  10 percent.

 vs.  25 percent.

 d.  50 percent.

 2.5 points


 Nixon’s peace with honor

 at.  Orchestrated the peaceful reunion of North and South Vietnam.

 b.  Pulled all U.S. troops out of Vietnam.

 vs.  Ended Communism in Indochina.

 d.  Guaranteed the survival of South Vietnam.

 2.5 points


 Considering the Middle East, the Reagan Doctrine

 at.  Was a dismal failure.

 b.  Eradicated Communism from the Middle East.

 vs.  Was hugely successful.

 d.  Was not much help.

 2.5 points


 The Reagan Doctrine was applied on the Caribbean island of Grenada to

 at.  Protect about 1,000 Americans, mostly medical students, from a new Marxist regime.

 b.  Protect about 100 American students from a dictatorial college administration.

 vs.  Undermine the sovereignty of another state to secure an easy American military victory.

 d.  Prevent the Chinese from overtaking the island.

 2.5 points


 Ronald Reagan’s economic plan was designed to

 at.  Implement strict environmental regulations.

 b.  Reduce taxes on the poorest Americans.

 vs.  Provide less government regulation in big businesses.

 d.  Regulate the New York Stock Exchange.

 2.5 points


 During the last years of the Reagan administration, the Soviet Union

 at.  Sought an easing of tensions with the United States.

 b.  Strengthened its economy by developing a vast transportation network linking the Soviet Union and China.

 vs.  Sided with Israel in the Iran Iraq war.

 d.  Invaded Afghanistan.

 2.5 points


 In March 1969, Nixon authorized B-52 raids into

 at.  Vietnam.

 b.  Burma.

 vs.  Cambodia.

 d.  Laos.

 2.5 points


 President Nixon’s New Economic Policy resulted in

 at.  All of the above.

 b.  A strengthened international monetary system.

 vs.  No change in the problems surrounding wage and price controls.

 d.  Continued deindustrialization.

 2.5 points


 Which of the following nations was overrun by the Iraqi military in 1990?

 at.  Kashmir.

 b.  Kuwait.

 vs.  Kazakhstan.

 d.  Kurdistan.

 2.5 points


 Which of the following was not a challenge for the CIA in the 1990s?

 at.  Public criticism.

 b.  Infiltration by enemy spies.

 vs.  Low moral.

 d.  Tight budgets.

 2.5 points


 In the election of 1972,

 at.  Nixon carried 49 of 50 states, capitalizing on votes of white ethnics and white southerners.

 b.  George McGovern was an old-fashioned liberal Democrat who seemed out of step with the times.

 vs.  All of the above.

 d.  George Wallace was paralyzed by a would-be assassin’s bullet.

 2.5 points


 During the 1970s two new means for promoting racial equality were

 at.  School busing and school curricula that stressed social justice.

 b.  School desegregation and sensitivity to the issues of same-sex couples.

 vs.  Affirmative action and school curricula that stressed social justice.

 d.  Affirmative action and school busing.

 2.5 points


 The Reagan Revolution abroad did not deal with which of the following topics?

 at.  Reliance on relaxation.

 b.  The spread of Communism to China.

 vs.  Restoration of the nation’s military and economic power.

 d.  The Middle East and terrorism.

 2.5 points


 Which of the following nations experienced uprisings during the Arab Spring?

 at.  Libya.

 b.  Egypt.

 vs.  Syria.

 d.  All of the above.

 2.5 points


 At the heart of Reagan’s diplomacy was

 at.  A refusal to negotiate with Communists.

 b.  The rejection of military force as a potential tool.

 vs.  A belief in the good inside all people.

 d.  A suspicion of Soviet Communist ideology.

 2.5 points


 President Reagan supported the right-wing military government of

 at.  Grenada.

 b.  The Republic of Mexico.

 vs.  San Salvador.

 d.  El Salvador.

 2.5 points


 Mitt Romney is the former governor of which state?

 at.  Massachusetts.

 b.  Utah.

 vs.  Vermont.

 d.  California.

 2.5 points


 President Reagan’s most important legacy was

 at.  Restrictions in entitlement programs.

 b.  The elimination of the trade deficit.

 vs.  A greatly increased federal bureaucracy.

 d.  The creation of a huge federal debt.

 2.5 points


 Satellite communications enhanced globalization with

 at.  Global communication links.

 b.  The increase in regional telephone links.

 vs.  Global travel.

 d.  Military positioning capabilities.

 2.5 points


 Dreamers is a term for whom?

 at.  A white supremacist group.

 b.  The rise in the Hispanic population.

 vs.  Undocumented immigrants who wanted to go to graduate school.

 d.  Undocumented immigrants brought illegally as children to the United States.

 2.5 points


 In Lau v.  Nichols, the Supreme Court

 at.  Ordered the abolition of the Asian American Political Alliance.

 b.  Required compensation for the victims of Japanese American internments during World War II.

 vs.  Established racial quotas for Asian students in California institutions of higher education.

 d.  Declared that school systems had to provide bilingual instruction for non-English-speaking students.

 2.5 points


 Which of the following was not a technological innovation that accelerated communications capabilities in the late 1990s and early 2000s?

 at.  Pagers.

 b.  Fiber-optic cables.

 vs.  Satellite dishes.

 d.  Cell-phone towers.

 2.5 points


 In the 1970s a new term was coined for the regions in the Northeast and Midwest with their empty, decaying factories.  That term was

 at.  Sun Belt.

 b.  Snow Belt.

 vs.  Steel Belt.

 d.  Rust Belt.

 2.5 points


 The vitality and promise of the computer-driven economy helped conservatism because

 at.  There seemed to be less need for government.

 b.  Conservatives saw the growth in computer-related technologies as proof of capitalist free enterprise.

 vs.  Computers were popular with Americans.

 d.  Microcomputers revolutionized banking and investment industries.

 2.5 points


 Concerning the rights of women, gays, and lesbians, Republican presidents in the 1990s and early 2000s

 at.  All of the above.

 b.  Nominated antiabortion judges to the federal courts.

 vs.  Supported a reversal of past gains.

 d.  Opposed abortion.

 2.5 points


 2002’s McCain-Feingold Act

 at.  Strictly limited carbon emissions.

 b.  None of the above.

 vs.  Regulated the financial industry.

 d.  Strictly limited the expenditures certain groups could make to influence elections.

 2.5 points


 The Tea Party voiced which of the following ideologies?

 at.  A belief in the monarchy.

 b.  Anger at federal activism.

 vs.  Demands for greater social services.

 d.  Demands for more moderate Republican candidates.

 2.5 points


 President Carter’s greatest success in office was

 at.  The Humphrey Hawkins full-employment law.

 b.  The Camp David Accords.

 vs.  Establishment of the Department of Energy.

 d.  The Three Mile Island nuclear project.

 2.5 points


 American Indian activists seized __________ at gunpoint in the spring of 1973 to protest policies of the U.S. government toward the Native Americans.

 at.  Deadwood, South Dakota

 b.  Wounded Knee, South Dakota

 vs.  Sundance, Wyoming

 d.  Tombstone, Arizona

 2.5 points


 The Defense of Marriage Act of 1996

 at.  Openly welcomed gays and lesbians to marriage to shore up the institution.

 b.  Declared marriage a legal union between one man and one woman.

 vs.  Offered tax incentives to make marriage more attractive.

 d.  Barred states from interfering with the marriage rights of gays and lesbians.

 2.5 points


 Roe v.  Wade, a target of the social conservative agenda, was

 at.  Was ignored by the right-to-life movement as they focused on other aspects of women’s health.

 b.  Upheld by the Court in 1983 and 1986.

 vs.  Abandoned as a cause by the social conservatives.

 d.  Overturned during the Reagan administration.

 2.5 points


 For a brief time in 2009, the US Treasury temporarily became the owner of which company?

 at.  Amazon.

 b.  GM.

 vs.  You’re here.

 d.  Walmart.

 2.5 points


 According to Rubn Salazar, what was a Chicano?

 at.  Any Mexican American who refused to accept the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

 b.  Anyone born south of the U.S. border.

 vs.  A Mexican American with proven native heritage.

 d.  A Mexican American with a non-Anglo image of himself.

 2.5 points


 All of the following were Congressional policies during Nixon’s administration except

 at.  Creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

 b.  Limits to the use of pesticides, including DDT.

 vs.  Creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

 d.  Establishment of the Superfund to clean up toxic dumps.

 2.5 points


 The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) would

 at.  Require the Soviets to install a laser shield over Siberia.

 b.  Invalidate existing arms control treaties.

 vs.  Encourage the Chinese to take sides between the United States and the USSR.

 d.  Create a space-based missile defense system that would use advanced technology to shoot down nuclear missiles launched at the United States.

 2.5 points


 The head of one restaurant company explained that which worker population was always polite and never shows up late?

 at.  Robots.

 b.  Women.

 vs.  Men.

 d.  Mexican-Americans.

 2.5 points


 Reaganomics promised to

 at.  Raise taxes.

 b.  Increase domestic spending.

 vs.  Solve domestic problems by government action.

 d.  Cut taxes.

 2.5 points


 A web of technological, economic, and military advances that bind people together defines what term?

 at.  Global technology.

 b.  Global organization.

 vs.  Globalization.

 d.  Glorification.

 2.5 points


 The United States helped restore some peace to the Balkans

 at.  Even though NATO had refused to assist in the operations.

 b.  Because President Clinton believed in the U.S. role as world police.

 vs.  After millions had suffered because of American reluctance.

 d.  Because the region was vital to national interests.

 2.5 points


 MEChA was created to

 at.  Stimulate a boycott of grapes grown in the Texas Rio Grande Valley.

 b.  All of the above.

 vs.  Match Mexican American students with mentors in the Mexican American business community.

 d.  Symbolize the match that would ignite the social change movement for Mexican Americans.

 2.5 points


 In 1993, the first female attorney general was

 at.  Janet Reno.

 b.  Hillary Clinton.

 vs.  Madeleine Albright.

 d.  Linda Chavez.

 2.5 points


 Why did students protest on the Kent State University campus in Ohio on May 4, 1970?

 at.  Nixon had ordered the invasion of Cambodia.

 b.  The Tet Offensive had highlighted the failures of U.S. policy in Vietnam.

 vs.  Nixon had reinstated the draft.

 d.  News about My Lai shocked the student community.

 2.5 points


 The Me Too and Time’s Up movements addressed

 at.  African-American civil rights.

 b.  All of the above.

 vs.  The sexual harassment and assault of women.

 d.  The problems young people faced.

 2.5 points


 Why did Osama bin Laden hate the United States so much in the 1990s?

 at.  The United States had supplied weapons to bin Laden’s enemies during the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

 b.  The United States had ousted the Taliban in Afghanistan.

 vs.  The United States had foiled his first bomb attack on the World Trade Center.

 d.  The United States had a strong military presence in the Middle East.

 2.5 points


 By 1979, President Carter was an unpopular president.  He faced which of the following unresolved problems?

 at.  He angered the American people by blaming their crisis of spirit for so many of the nation’s problems.

 b.  He had not stabilized the economy.

 vs.  His foreign policies lacked coherence.

 d.  All of the above.

 2.5 points


 When he left office, Ronald Reagan’s popularity was

 at.  The highest of any president since the beginning of modern polling.

 b.  None of the above.

 vs.  Poor.

 d.  Lower than Jimmy Carter’s.

 2.5 points


 The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

 at.  All of the above.

 b.  Threatened Israel from its bases in Lebanon.

 vs.  Supported the Camp David Accords.

 d.  Was the official representative of the Palestinian people.

 2.5 points


 Which of the following statements is an accurate statement about the presidential election of 1992?

 at.  George H. W. Bush ran a tired campaign.

 b.  H. Ross Perot ran a strong third-party campaign.

 vs.  Bill Clinton ran as a radical Democrat.

 d.  Michael Dukakis barely won the election.

 2.5 points


 The United States was able to claim victory in the Cold War when

 at.  Each statement is accurate.

 b.  The USSR surrendered all of its nuclear weapons to the United States.

 vs.  The Soviet Union could not prevent the disintegration of its pro-Soviet allies in Eastern Europe.

 d.  Soviet athletes defected to the West in massive numbers.

 2.5 points


 2015’s Supreme Court case Obergefell v.  Hodges effectively legalized what?

 at.  Don’t ask, Don’t Tell.

 b.  The Affordable Care Act.

 vs.  Same-sex marriages.

 d.  Social security for undocumented immigrants.

 2.5 points


 During the 1990s, illegal immigration from Mexico angered many Americans in California and Texas.  Businesses generally

 at.  Actively recruited illegal migrants south of the Border.

 b.  Welcomed these immigrants as workers.

 vs.  Agreed with them.

 d.  Actively supported the states’ radical anti-immigrant militia movement.

 2.5 points


 In the 2008 election

 at.  Obama lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College.

 b.  The election hinged on a recount of the vote in Florida.

 vs.  Obama won the highest percentage of the popular vote in two decades.

 d.  Obama narrowly defeated John McCain.

 2.5 points


 The equal rights amendment (ERA) was

 at.  Vetoed by President Nixon.

 b.  Upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional.

 vs.  Passed by Congress in 1972 and ratified by 34 states by the end of 1974 but thereafter stalled and was never ratified.

 d.  First proposed by the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1970.

 2.5 points


 President Obama’s Clean Power Plan

 at.  Strictly regulated coal-burning power plants.

 b.  Paid for all costs of installing solar panels.

 vs.  All of the above.

 d.  Promoted nuclear power.

 2.5 points


 For their hostile financial takeovers, entrepreneurs like Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky used high-risk securities known as

 at.  Junk bonds.

 b.  Futures.

 vs.  Collateral debt obligations.

 d.  Stock.

 2.5 points


 Which two crises bookended the presidency of George W. Bush?

 at.  9/11 and the Iraq War.

 b.  Hurricane Katrina and the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

 vs.  Hurricane Katrina and the Boston Marathon bombing.

 d.  9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis

 2.5 points


 After the 2012 election

 at.  The government was still divided.

 b.  Republicans had unified control of government.

 vs.  The Republicans controlled the Presidency, but Democrats controlled Congress.

 d.  Democrats had unified control of government.

 2.5 points


 Silicon Valley came to symbolize

 at.  The growth in the breast augmentation industry in California.

 b.  The new home of America’s automobile industry.

 vs.  Home of the growing computer-based technology business.

 d.  The decline in agribusinesses in the United States.

 2.5 points


 Which of the following explains the internationalism of President George H. W. Bush?

 at.  His knowledge of China.

 b.  His boyhood in Texas.

 vs.  His experience in World War II.

 d.  His work in the Kennedy administration.


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