Alternatively, you may write a 1200 – 1500 word paper. The paper should be centered around a listening-based analysis of a single composition from an artist we studied this quarter. Choose a piece I did not analyze in lecture. For instance, you could write about Ornette, another track from Roscoe Mitchells album Sound; or one of the pieces from Debussys Preludes, Book 1, like La cathdrale engloutie; or another one of Lili Boulangers choral compositions, such her setting of Psalm 24; or how about a couple of Saties Sports et Divertissements that were not discussed; or another of liane Radigues large-scale synthesizer works, Islas Resonates; or two of Pierre Schaeffers tudes de bruits. Keep your paper focused on your own close listening and observations of the music. However, you may bring in sources from outside of class into dialogue with your interpretation, but be sure to cite them. Any biographical information must be directly relevant to your musical analysis; please avoid extraneous filler. Close your paper with a reflection on why you chose this music; why you feel connected to this music; and how, or if, it has impacted the way you listen to music or other things.
Any topic (writer’s choice)