Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines:
- A minimum of 10 pages not to exceed 15, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, using APA standard.
- Title page, running head, including title of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of submission (Page 1).
- A minimum of 8 pages (Pages 2-13)
o Introduction of the need for Team Leadership training
o Diagnosis of problems and potential solutions in team leadership o Discussion of current research on improving team effectiveness o Include Communication, Conflict, Creativity, and Culture
o Include the Five Appreciations
o Discuss the Five Dysfunctions of a Team
o Discussion of evaluation of training effectiveness
o Brief summary of the biblical implications
o Proposed syllabus for the training (1-2 pages)
- A reference page (Pages 14-15)
- A minimum of 5 references are required, The Holy Bible, books and articles from
academic sources (Online Library), and other periodicals.
Final Paper