Congratulations! You have been asked to present at a conference called the American Public University System Symposium in a session on Current Science Knowledge in Support of Popular Science Writing. ???? Using PowerPoint or another visual tool, integrate what you have learned regarding the current state of knowledge in or in contrast to the book you selected for review this session. Within the presentation be sure to provide some background on the book, the author, the time period in which it was written and/or published, and the influence the book has had on the field of environmental science.

Your research and analysis should really shine through in this presentation, and you should be identifying the key themes in the book and specifically what current science says about them. Prepare this presentation for a professional scientific audience. Use appropriate vocabulary and concepts that demonstrate your mastery of key topics in the environmental sciences. Cite all sources correctly. If you make a slide presentation, include appropriate slide titles and offer visuals and support for the topic. Be sure you include a cover slide that identifies the webinar title, the conference title, the author (thats you!), and the date.

You will be graded on the accuracy and quality of information, the integration of academic information, and the overall presentation and effective use of presentation tools. Goals of this project include encouraging development of research skills, familiarization with presentation design, and practice in communicating to a professional scientific audience. The presentation should be developed in PowerPoint or a similar design program. You *must* narrate the presentation. You can do this in a number of different ways.

For example, you can use a screen capture app like screencast-o-matic and upload to YouTube, you can use Kaltura here in the classroom (in the text editor, the icon for Kaltura looks a little like a firework it is a small open circle with lines radiating out and is in the same area as the buttons for inserting a photo or inserting a table), or you can record on your smartphone or from your video camera. Do not limit yourself to technology you know, as it is pretty easy to make a recording these days given all of the readily available technology.

The presentation should be between 4-6 minutes long and clearly demonstrate the depth of your knowledge regarding the science behind the selected book. The selected book is Silent Spring by Racheal Carson, you can access this by logging into then click enter classroom, then click EVSP498, the book can be found in the library tab and if you need the assignment instructions you can access that in the course tools tab. I had attached an annotated bibliography for you to view. you can also view it in the assignment tab if you need more info. Feel free to add additional slides if you need them.


Current Science Knowledge
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