2-3 sentences
Why did Alexander the Great not return home after defeating the Persians?
- Why was it problematic for Caesar to hold the position of flamen dialis (high priest)?Describe Pompeys dealings with the pirates.Why was Caesar assassinated?
- What was hoplite warfare?
- How did Athens differ from Sparta?
- Compare and contrast scenes found on city gates of the Assyrians from scenes found on city gates of the Persians.
- Why were Greek colonies important?
- Why did Persia invade Greece?
- Why did Sparta return home after defeating the Persians (with Athenian help) and the Athenian Empire?
1 paragraph each
- How did invasion and conflict enact change in the ancient world?
- How did Augustus avoid a fate similar to that of his predecessor Julius Caesar?
- What is mercantilism and why was this such an integral concept for the creation of the Atlantic World?
- Why were able-bodied military men so important throughout Roman history?
- Why did Martin Luthers writings enact a religious conflict when people like Erasmus and John Wycliffe were writing about some of the same issues decades earlier?
World History