Use your university library to locate an article from the IEEE or EBSCO database that discusses some aspect of business analytics, then answer these questions regarding your chosen article: What is the authors view of business analytics? How can their view be applied to other industries? What stood out to you as significant in this article?
Respond to my classmates post to the above Question (MINIMUM OF 150 WORDS)
Classmates Post
The article linking business analytics to decision making effectiveness: A path model analysis explains Business analytics (BA) as a well informative and predictive model that extensively utilizes data, statistics, and fact-based management to oversee decisions and operations. The advancement in technology, especially (IT) enables companies to create innovative approaches which facilitate data collection from internal and external sources. Organizations utilize BA as a productive tool in making better or quicker decisions when confronted with increasing competition and challenges in their field regarding technological advancement speed within the globe.
Business analytics has been a solution for data processing and business intelligence, which help to detect and determine patterns and outcomes and facilitates better business decisions based on data. Business analytics usage can be applied to different industries, especially in today’s marketplace, which is a powerful tool. Organizations produce large data quantities across sectors, which in turn has enhanced the need for experts who know how to interpret and analyze the information. Having an in-depth understanding of business analytics is a means of career advancement as well as make better workplace decisions.
Healthcare facilities such as hospitals utilize BA based on the review of many data points obtained from several patients; data has long been important for doctors trying to learn and research which blood pressure range is normal or how much sugar can be consumed daily.
Cao, Y.D. & Li, G. Linking business analytics to decision making effectiveness: A path model analysis, in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 384-395, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2015.2441875.