• AssignmentTask: Submit to complete this assignmentProject IconAfter reviewing the instructions above, including the  document, use the  document to create your plan for success.

    Hint: Be sure to review the rubric feedback from your instructor on Final Project I before completing section two of the template!

    • First, download Microsoft Word as needed to complete this week’s project. (Note: You probably already did this in Week Five and will not need to download Word again once you have already done so.)
    • Second, download and save the  to your own computer.
    • Third, fill in the template in its entirety.
    • Fourth, be sure to save the completed template to save your work!
    • Finally, click on the add attachment button to attach your completed template, and be sure to hit the “upload” button to send it to your instructor.
  • Web Page You have viewed this topicDuring this learning block, you will review resources for success beyond our course. Specifically, you will review a transition checklist to help you plan for specific ways to move smoothly into future courses and utilize the skills you have gained in this course effectively.

    clock icon Estimated time: 3045 minutes to complete the transition checklist.

    After participating in this learning block, you will be able to:

    • Understand strategies for successful academic transitions between terms and classes.
  • Web Page Task: View this topicThis week has been focused on a blend of techniques and applications for academic success in the course, as well as how those skills can be applied far beyond SNHU 107 and across various academic disciplines and areas of study.

    In this discussion, you will consider the note-taking techniques reviewed this week, to establish strategies for successfully managing and organizing large amounts of information. 

    clock icon Estimated time: 3045 minutes to complete the discussion posts.

    After participating in this learning block, you will be able to:

    • Identify note-taking strategies to help manage and organize information
  • Discussion TopicTask: Reply to this topic Starts Aug 7, 2021 11:59 PMAs students and career-path professionals, we encounter a large amount of information. Some information we simply need to know, and other information we need to retain and act on for future use. This is true in all aspects of our lives: school, work, home, and so on. Note taking is one tool that we use to manage the information (written or verbal) we must process. This tool is not specific to academia alone: Professionals use it on a daily basis as well. Just consider the vast amount of information you receive via email each day alone. Paul LeBlanc addressed this dilemma when discussing the concept of busy versus productive:

    Each day, there will be information you receive/review that requires some sort of action or follow-up. Note taking is an effective way to manage information of all types (school, work, personal, verbal, written, etc.) and keep yourself on the path of productivity and success.
    Taking into account the reading and the project materials this week, along with the content above, work to address the following in your initial post:
    1. Share a time outside of school when you took notes on something so you could use/act on them at a later time. This might come from a multitude of things, like a home project, shopping for a computer, instructions on how to cook a recipe or make something, meeting with a contractor for work in the home, items your children needed when going to school, projects at work, learning a new technology, information about client needs, notes on a presentation, and so on. How important were your notes in helping you complete your task later? Explain.

    2. As you review the instructions for Final Project II this week (both the guidelines and rubric document and the project template), what pieces of information stand out as being important? What strategy from the reading this week resonated with you that you could apply to help organize your notes on this important project?

    3. Finally, what type of information might you encounter in your specific degree program or career that would benefit from the strategies reviewed this week?
    Response Posts (Due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.)
    Respond to two of your peers. Work to expand the discussion by contributing unique, relevant content (personal/professional experiences or examples) or by expanding and adding depth to the thoughts and ideas shared by your peers (presenting different strategies in the book, or new ideas and thoughts, or similar personal/professional experiences to connect with). Per the rubric criteria, responses should be relevant and meaningful as they relate to the topics presented in the discussion.
    Refer to the  for directions on completing these discussions.

  • External Learning ToolYou have viewed this topic Due August 22 at 11:59 PM Starts Jun 14, 2021 12:00 AMModule Seven Additional Activities – Ungraded
  • Web Page Task: View this topicIf you would like extra practice with this weeks concepts, and specifically with test preparation and note-taking strategies for success, the Module Seven Additional Activities in LearnSmart are for you! They include activities on preparing in advance for testing success, considering your test-taking style, creating effective notes, and determining your listening style. All of these areas were a part of your reading for this week and are sure to be strong focus points to build on for academic success as you head into the final week of the course and your future coursework with SNHU.

    You have completed your final project, and you are moving into the final week of the course! Give yourself a big pat on the back for all you have accomplished. It is well-deserved!


I need help with my assignment Michelle this is everything i have left to do
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