The student will research and write a 3000 word paper, double spaced, APA formatted paper on a controversial issue that involves technology. For example, many new officers utilize social media including Facebook, My Space and Twitter. As a law enforcement manager, what are the implications (strengths and weaknesses) of social media? Could the use of social media create potential policy violations? Does your agency have a policy on social media? Other examples include the collection of DNA (proposition 69), drones, body-worn cameras or the use of electronic devices on combative suspects. It is up to you on the topic, but it must be controversial.

Thoroughly summarize the technology or issue and provide an introduction to the technology (history and use of technology). The research paper should compare and contrast the controversial issue and its impact on all stakeholders, including the public. The paper should also assess the limitations, strengths and potential of technology relative to your controversial issue. Finally, the paper must highlight the role of a public safety manager and how the technology can help or hurt the delivery of services to the public.

The research paper shall have a minimum of ten (10) references including at least one internet source.

Make sure to cite all references in the body of the research paper.

This is a 3000 word assignment. 

You must provide an abstract for this assignment.

The paper must be in APA format and include all sourcing of reference materials (in-text citations and reference page. It is strongly recommended that you communicate with the Writing Center early in the session and enlist their help in mastering the APA format. It is your responsibility to meet with them early on to ensure that your paper is reviewing before the assignment is due.

My text books for this class are:


Rose, Jeffrey A. & Lacher, Donald C. (2016). Managing Public Safety Technology: Deploying Systems in Police, Courts, Corrections and Fire Organizations. Routledge Publishing. ISBN: 9780323296090 Paperback, ISBN: 9781138689954. Available at most major websites. 

Police Research Executive Forum. (2012). How Are Innovations in Technology Transforming Police? Critical Issues in Policing Series. Washington DC: PERF.

Students are also required to rent or purchase two videos that will be used for online discussion questions. The videos are the Minority Report (2002) and Eagle Eye (2008). 


Controversial Technology
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