- Select a movie you watched before and enjoyed it.
- Find links with its soundtrack (preferably on YouTube, because you will need to upload an example here) and analyze how the music enhances the emotional content in the movie.
- Upload a video with selected scenes of the movie you chose. Try to find specific parts of the movie you chose; if you can only find the movie in its entirety – or long parts of it – please provide specific minute marks that you will focus on.
- Answe all of these questions on your post:
- Tell your group what the movie is about (its basic story) and what emotions are brought up along the movie. Is it a mystery, a romantic movie, a space movie…?
- How does the music enhance the emotional content in the movie?
- How about your reactions… did you pay attention to or gave some particular thought about the music before this exercise? Why or why not?
- Now that you are consciously thinking about the music, does it change your perception of the scene? why, or why not?
*This activity values 5 points (to see rubric click on the three dots – top right of your screen). There’s a minimum of 160 words for your main post (for points breakdown – SEE RUBRIC).
Harmony (first post by Friday, September 3) – Mozart