You will write a 1,000-1,200 narrative word count ( your essay minus citation and bibliography) paper on the art or architecture you chose. Your paper should answer the following questions. Please cut and paste this entire question at the beginning of your essay above your introduction paragraph and make sure you address each element of the question in your essay:

“Examine your chosen piece of art or architecture carefully. Please answer all of the below questions about your piece. What is the title of the piece and who is the artist or architect (if possible)?  What civilization  and what time period does this art represent?  Why was the piece created and what medium(s) were used in its creation?  How does this piece of art or architecture reflect the values of the civilization that created it?”

What to Include in Your Submission

-Coversheet with assignment name, your name, professor name, date and institution.  Paper should be double-spaced.

-Please restate verbatim (cut and paste) the questions to be answered above your introduction paragraph.

-Introduction and bolded thesis statement as last sentence of introduction paragraph. Thesis should state purpose of your paper and why the piece of art or architecture provides insight on the civilization that produced it. 

-Supporting paragraphs complete with topic sentences and accompanying citation (parenthetical, footnote or endnote consistent with a style manual). Please make certain you cite paraphrased information and direct quotes. 

-Please stay in academic third person in your writing (no use of “I”).  Do not use contractions as well (do not use “can’t” or “don’t”.  Instead, use “cannot” or “do not”). 

-Appropriate historical detail and analysis that also includes dates for chronological context.  Please include reign or life dates when introducing historical personalities and include  bracket dates of civilizations when introducing to your reader.

-Finish with a conclusion revisiting your thesis statement and summarizing your paper.

-Minimum of three academic sources. You may use your textbook as one source.

-Submission includes a labeled Bibliography or Work Cited (depending on citation style used).

-File name saved as LastNameFirstNameClassNumberAssignmentName (example: SmithJohnHIST111Week5Paper). Please submit as a .doc. docx or .rtf file. No other formats are  allowed.

Submission Checklist

Did you construct your essay using appropriate historical support (specifically book or peer-reviewed sources from our Online Library or other university, governmental, museum, or research websites)?  Do not use Open Web Tertiary Sources to construct your responses. Please see Source Requirements and Restrictions on Course Home Page.

Did you cite your sources in the narrative of your essay using either parenthetical citation or footnote numbering?

If using parenthetical citation, are the author name(s) and page numbers included with text sources? Remember, Berber text has page numbers even though it is an E-Book.
If using online sources, is parenthetical citation in proper format?
If using footnotes or endnotes, are page numbers included with text sources?
If using citation, did you include a Bibliography or Work Cited with your essay? Is this Bibliography or Work Cited page in proper format to the style manual you are using?

Is the Bibliography/Work Cited page alphabetized and includes all relevant information depending on source type? Remember accessed date for online sources.
Paper Rubric
Format/Submission (5 points): Paper neatly typed and formatted according to assignment guidelines. Title page with student name, course section, assignment, and date clearly indicated. Question to be answered restated before essay verbatim. Paper saved according to standard guideline lastname.firstname.course.assignment as .doc, .docx. or .rft file.

          Example: SmithWilliamMILH221ReadingReport
Introduction and Thesis Statement (20 points): Topic is appropriate for paper length; thesis is focused and argument is fully supported by carefully chosen and weighed facts in each paragraph; evidence of comprehension of historical context and causality.
Organization and Body of Essay (25 points): The organization of the paper logically supports the purpose or argument in the introduction, body, and conclusion; ideas are logically sequenced from one paragraph to another and clearly linked to each other; the reader can easily follow the line of reasoning.

Historical Analysis and Use of Sources (25 points): Two or more sources used demonstrating in-depth research related to thesis; no tertiary sources used (especially encyclopedias); research clearly incorporated into the argument in paper; use of information clearly supports the argument and shows, in-depth analysis of a significant topic; author gained new knowledge about the topic and significance of events.

Writing Style and Grammar (10 points):  Spelling, grammar and sentence structure all used effectively.

Use of Citation and Bibliography (15 points): Footnotes/endnotes are correctly cited and bibliography follows the correct rules for citing sources.


The Cave Paintings at Lascoux
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