——–Assignment 3: The Presentation

——–Objective:  Develop an audio-narrated PowerPoint presentation based on the research you have conducted about your chosen species. Remember, the organism you selected in Week 1, is the organism you will research for the associated assignments in the course.——-

——-Assignment Instructions:  Using the course project steps completed to date, you will develop your presentation based on the work you submitted for Assignments 1 and 2 as well as the feedback you were given.——-

——To prepare for this assignment, I recommend that you do the following:——

—-Read these directions carefully.
Review the grading rubric at the bottom of the page. The grading rubric is a detailed evaluation that I will use to assess your performance. It will also help you understand what is expected of you as you prepare your assignment.—–

——–Your presentation will be submitted as an audio-narrated PowerPoint, narrated by you, the student. You cannot use “text-to-speech” programs or technology that do the narration for you unless noted as an approved accommodation in a current DSA letter you have furnished to me. For instructions on how to create audio narration in PowerPoint, see the following link: Record a Slide Show With Narration. Audio narration is a requirement!
———-There must be a visual element (e.g., photos, videos, graphs, figures).
—–Your presentation must contain approximately 10-15 slides (excluding references) and run approximately 5-10 minutes.—-
—Text is organized using concise phrases typed on each slide and properly cited.—-
—–Please note that less than 10% of your presentation should contain direct quotes—–.
——-Proper use and pronunciation of scientific terminology are required.  For help with pronunciation, see this link: Cambridge Dictionary
——Be sure to properly cite your work, both internal to the presentation (in-text citations) as well as within the reference slide (this includes photos, graphs, figures, videos, etc.).
——-All references listed on the reference slide should be cited internally within the presentation (in-text citations), and vice versa.  ** ——Work that is improperly cited and referenced or lacking either proper in-text citations or references may not be accepted for credit. **
——Reference Slide(s) and Internal Citations ALL

———This section must contain:
Internal citations – This is not just a separate section; rather, referencing should occur throughout the presentation via parenthetical citations anytime you paraphrase, make direct quotes, or use visual components from other sources.  Please be sure to cite any language, images, videos, etc. in the presentation that should be cited. ** Work that is improperly cited and referenced or lacking either proper in-text citations or references may not be accepted for credit. **
——-Reference Slide – Your presentation should also have a final reference slide listing 5-10 credible sources researched for your presentation. NOTE: these are not included in the slide count for your presentation.—–


The Presentation
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