Answer following questions:
1. What do you see as the pros and cons of government safety regulation?
2. Is business meeting its responsibilities to consumers with regard to the safety, quality, pricing, and labeling and packaging of its products? If not, how might it do better?
3. Is s advertising a positive or socially desirable aspect of our economic system?
4. To what extent do our moral ideas reflect the society around us, and to what extent are we free to think for ourselves about moral
5. Describe a situation in which you felt pressured to act against your moral principles or where you felt torn between conflicting moral
values, rules, or principles. What did you do?
6. How do you explain the fact that in the business world basically good people sometimes act immorally?
7. . What value, if any, do you see in business students studying the basics of ethical theory?
8. Which normative theory or general approach to ethics do you find the most plausible or attractive, and why?
9. Can people who disagree about normative ethical theory still reach agreement on practical ethical questions in the business world? If so, how?
10. What does the concept of justice mean to you?
11. Which theory of distributive justice do you find most convincing?
12. Is the United States an economically just society?
business Ethics