Digital Communication and Effective Leadership
COM 6085
The topic I have chosen for my literary review assignment is one that hits close to home. In a new decade where digital communication is widely understood as the norm in business and recreational conversation, the ability to maintain strong and effective leadership amidst these changes becomes more difficult. Especially with our current circumstances set by COVID-19, many leaders find themselves with less direct oversight, less interpersonal interaction, and an almost faceless work environment with their employees – with the exception of Zoom meetings, etc. This creates unique challenges for leaders. They must create the same level of organization, productivity, structure, empathy, integrity, and care as they had previously. While this way be an easy transition for some, some leaders may find themselves struggling to maintain their relationships and profits, respectively.
In the journal “First-Face Communication: Is Digital Technology Impacting Leadership Communication Effectiveness?” written by Donna M. Nickitas, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNE, FAAN who is an Editor, Dean and Professor Rutgers School of Nursing – Camden, the author details her perspective and experiences with digital communication. I found her assessment to be very thorough and something that I could provide a more youthful prism to shine her points though – both that I agree and don’t agree with. The majority of my supplementary research will come from angles of business, psychology, interpersonal communication, verbal versus nonverbal communication, and generational and societal changes that will play a role as digital communication continues to evolve in our world.
Nickitas, D. M. (2019). First-Face Communication: Is Digital Technology Impacting Leadership Communication Effectiveness? Nursing Economics. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.fiu.edu/docview/2213045184/CA80C20FE05A408DPQ/3?accountid=10901