Reflective Paper
Reflective Paper:
Due date: Friday, June 11th by 11:30pm
Submit to appropriate dropbox
Double space, 12 Times New Roman, 3-5 pages (Deductions for less or more). You will
need an average of 750 words or more to be accepted for your writing portfolio.
Name, EIU 4126, and Date in UPPER right hand corner
Your paper will be a reflective paper of this class and your experience. Please organize
in the following order:
1) Introduction: Why you picked the movie, magazine, commercials. You may use a
commercial etc. already discussed in this course. DO NOT USE THE SAME
2) How do you feel the movie, magazine, or commercial has impacted the views of
women, men, minorities, or GLBTQ. What positive, negative, or both ideas came from
this? Back up your thoughts with class content and make sure to cite and
reference your information.
3) How do you feel society’s reactions and beliefs have personally affected you?
4) Reflective summary: How has this class impacted how you think and feel about
yourself and others when it comes to body image and society.
OR you may discuss the impact of contemporary culture on teenage females and
sexual behavior using the above format and incorporate commercials, advertisements,
and movies. You may use commercials, ads, etc. already discussed in this course.