Discussion 1 Geanny Garcia
Cultures around the world have long recognized the benefits of prenatal care. In Tae-Kyo, pregnant women, families, and communities are obligated to deliver healthy babies and to pay attention to their development from birth. As a result of this comprehensive view, prenatal care can be conceptualized as encompassing multiple aspects. Taegyo or the additional Korean traditional prenatal education is part of the health care practices and cultural practices that many traditional mothers in Korea have to observe. They are post and prenatal behaviors that women have to integrate into their pregnancy lives to enhance the physical growth and psychological development of the fetus and themselves. It is founded on the idea that a child becomes a person from the conception period and therefore they deserve to be taken care of. most of the mothers and people that hold on to the practice believe that it is for optimal health. Thus, Taegyo facilitates good health and intelligence inborn and also makes parents ready for parenthood as early as possible as it prepares and shapes their habits and mental thinking. According to Lee et al. (2016) women who practice the culture have in most cases had positive outcomes. That means that it is congruent with the allopathic recommendation of pregnancy care because both have suggestions that improve the wellness of both the child and mother.
During Pregnancy and the postpartum period, women experience massive physiological and psychological changes. Some women might crave to eat more proteins than others while others might crave vegetables. Regardless, there is an optimal range of diets that women in Korea. According to numerous studies, the range of diets does not vary much before and after delivery. Mothers, however, are advised to eat a lot of seafood, vegetables, and fruits during pregnancy. This is to ensure that their body gets the necessary vitamins necessary for child growth and development. In addition, the cultural beliefs and practices of Koreans do not allow pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to take any amount of alcohol or related drinks (Lee et al., 2016). It is believed taking alcohol increases the risk of harm to the fetus.
Over the past decades, numerous strategies to help in curbing drug use and abuse have been formulated. The most relevant and culturally acceptable in this case are dealing with life pressures, community-based programs, and information dissemination (Tang et al., 2016). All of the three will target Jay. For instance, the health provider should help Jay to learn that life is not a smooth straight line. Everybody has challenges in life and the secret is constantly learning how to fight them without giving up as life has no balance. By doing so, he will accept the truth that it is his responsibility to provide and care for his family and nothing can change. Jay can also be helped by being connected to community working programs to get himself money and busy dealing with the pressure.
Lee, Y., Lee, J., & Tulo, N. (2016). Korean traditional Taegyo prenatal education. IJCE, 31, 34-39.
Tang, Y. Y., Tang, R., & Posner, M. I. (2016). Mindfulness meditation improves emotion regulation and reduces drug abuse. Drug and alcohol dependence, 163, S13-S18.
Discussion 2 (Lindsay)
- Describe the Korean cultural practice tae-kyo. Is this practice congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care?
Tae-kyo has been practiced and emphasized since ancient time. Tae-kyo is a concept that involves thoughts, mindsets, and behaviors. These thoughts and actions are taken by pregnant women to have good effects on a pregnant fetus (Kyung-Sook et al., 2020). Tae-kyo is a type of health care behavior that integrates and improves physical and psychological growth and development for the baby. The practice of tae-kyo promotes a wide variety of caring activities. These include control of the mind to be peaceful and happy, maintenance of a graceful demeanor, selection of food by the quality of ingredients, identification of saints and great persons, and practice in control and protection from sensory and sexual stimulation. The Korean cultural practice of tae-kyo is congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care. This practice recognizes the importance of physical health management and psychological stability for mothers from the prenatal period (Kyung-Sook et al., 2020).
- How do food choices among Koreans differ with pregnancy and postpartum?
Koreans adhere to strict food choices during both pregnancy and postpartum. During pregnancy Korean women follow many rules and taboos to ensure a healthy child and safe delivery. Foods such as rabbit, squid, crab, duck, chicken, eggs, and peaches are considered to be harmful to eat (Korean Embassy, 2000). It is believed, for example, if mothers consume large amounts of chicken, the skin of the child would be prickly like a chicken or if she ate large amounts of duck meat, the child would walk like a duck (Korean Embassy, 2000). During the postpartum period in Korea mothers consume a large bowl of seaweed soup three times a day (Hye-jun, 2013). They believe seaweed cleanses blood, detoxified the body, helps the womb contract, and increases breast milk (Hye-jun, 2013).
- Describe cultural attitudes toward drinking among Koreans.
Drinking is prevalent in the Korean culture. The culture of drinking in Koreans is done so with the purpose of promoting relationships or developing acquaintance with other individuals. Drinking behaviors are counted as one’s leisure activities, and one’s daily life is composed of working and leisure time. The culture of giving reception to one’s guests with drinking is counted as a bridge that connects both working and leisure in one’s daily life (Ko & Sohn, 2018). In Korea if your superior in the workplace offers you out for drinks it is considered a huge compliment. They regard drinking together as an avenue for expression of respect and support (Ko & Sohn, 2018). Drinking is important in that it releases tension and misunderstandings in the workplace.
- Identify two or three culturally congruent strategies a healthcare provider might use to address Jay’s drinking.
A strong partnership between the provider and patient is essential in treating alcohol abuse. By including the patient in both problem definition and problem-solving it ensures the patients personal situation, perspective, and current level of understanding of their disorder is taken into consideration (Sullivan et al., 1994). Patient’s collaboration encourages them to participate in their care and take responsibility for their recovery. Jay’s drinking problem is partially due to family stress. Alcohol abuse therefore may result from and affect his family situation. Therefore, it is vital to address problems related to this environment. When addressing an individual’s drinking problem, it is important to determine their awareness and education on the harmful effects of alcohol. By assessing the patient’s knowledge, we can provide information targeted to their current level of understanding. Health care providers can teach patients about responsible alcohol use, risk factors such as family history or excessive use connected with work or recreation, alternatives to alcohol use and abuse such as stress management or recreational activities, and the disease of alcoholism (Sullivan et al., 1994).
Hye-jun, L. (2013). Korean postpartum care is special. The Korea Times. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2013/01/319_129458.html
Ko, S., & Sohn, A. (2018). Behaviors and culture of drinking among Korean people. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47, 47-56