
BUSI 2490
Term Group Project
Spring 2022
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Term Project Description
The term project requires students to do a comprehensive market research for the development of an
Teams of 5-6 students will be formed to work together on the project. The students in the team are
employees working for the same firm. Each team will be assigned a foreign country as the target for the
firm’s international expansion.
The role of each team is to prepare comprehensive market study report of the assigned country. The
goal of the report is to present the necessary facts and data of the target country to the company’s
executives for the business plan development of the international expansion.
The project requires your team to conduct market study for the target country using the methodology
taught in this course and to evaluate it as a potential market for the international business expansion.
The final report should consist of 2 parts.
1. The Market Intelligence Report: A comprehensive market study of your target country from
different angles, including its people, culture, economy, political environment and infrastructure
(PEST analysis).
2. The Market Opportunity Briefing: A brief proposal for a product/service idea for your business
that has good market potential (i.e., not widely distributed and meets the needs of your foreign
The focus of the term project must be on the tools and techniques learned from the International
Business course, not on the chosen products/services. The responsibility of your team is to help the top
executives to understand the relevant market information of the target country as much as possible.
Deliverables and Deadlines
1. Team charter
Each team must submit their team charter to the instructor with the following info:
§ The target country or region that was assigned to export to
§ The full name and student number of each team member
§ The Team’s name and the description of your team/firm
§ The content of the charter (your commitment as a group)
o the roles and responsibilities of each member
o the way the members agree to work together as a group (communication, meetings,
work division, deadlines)
o commitments, rules, goals and expectations
§ The charter must be signed by each member confirming their commitment
Due date: End of day Feb 7, 2022.
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2. Market Study Report (Due date: March 28, 2022)
Your report should contain the following components:
Title Page (contains report title, course and section number, team members’ name and student number)
Table of Contents page
Executive Summary (min. 1 full page, maximum 2 pages)
o A concise summary of the report with all the main points of your report
o the objective of the report, the target country, who it is for, what it will cover…
The Market Intelligence Report
o A comprehensive market study of the target country. It must include but not limited to:
§ Geographic location, population, climate, language
§ Demographics – age distribution, education, ethnic groups, religions, income etc.
§ Social-Cultural environment – Cultures, customs and norms, special dates
§ Political environment – political system, government, stability, conflicts … etc.
§ International and trading relations with Canada
§ Legal environment – legal system, risk and issues for international companies
§ Economic environment – economic system, GDP, economic outlook, employment level,
key industries, major imports/exports, balance of trade, inflation
§ Business environment – currency and its strength and risk, government incentives,
trade barriers, tariff, cost of doing business, trade agreement, business practices
o Conclusions – state the opportunities and threats as well as key things in doing business in the
target country based on the findings of your market intelligence report
The Market Opportunity Briefing
o The potential business opportunities for the products/services chosen. Based on the research
in the above section, explain why the chosen product/service is a good fit.
o Summarize key findings and highlight the important issues that the executives should be aware
of in the international expansion to the target country
o Exhibits must be numbered, titled and referenced properly in the report.
Required format:
• The report should be saved in PDF format. All pages must be numbered.
• Font size of 12 points, 1-inch margin and 1.5 spacing should be used.
• Considerable thoughts should be put on the overall layout and design of the report to make it easy
to follow and read.
• All research sources must be identified and referenced in APA citation style.
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3. PowerPoint Presentation File (Due date: March 28, 2022)
• Professional looking presentation that your team will use to present the report to the executives.
Term Project Grading
Group Name and number: ___________________
Section # _______
Target Country:
Max. Marks
Team Charter 5
Executive Summary 10
Introduction 5
Market Intelligence Report 40
Market Opportunity Briefing 10
Conclusion 5
References/bibliography/Exhibits REQUIRED
Quality – format, writing style, grammar, professionalism 10
PowerPoint Presentation File 15
Total 100
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Term Project Team charter (Sample)
Team Name / #: ___________________________ Target Country: _________________
Course and section number: ________________
We, the undersigned, agree to the commitments and standards as stated in this document and each of
us promises to give 100% commitment and effort to this project:
Content Section:
Refer to page 2 on team charter
Reference “Developing your team charter” PowerPoint
or use your own format
Team Member Names
1.__________________________ 4. __________________________
2. __________________________ 5. __________________________
3. __________________________ 6. __________________________
Date: ______________________



Market Research
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