
  Dwayne Bowser posted Jul 21, 2022 

In your overviews of each article, focus on how the information in the article informs the implementation of IGR initiatives. Include what you believe is the most significant takeaway from the article and why. Do this for both articles. Post your summary of both articles in a single, initial post in the discussion.

The article written by Kwon and Feiock (2010) discuss the collaboration of local governments and the two stage process. The first stage, in which communities decide whether to consider interlocal cooperation, involves the nature of the immediate problem faced plus specific demands for performance and efficiency gains that can result from service cooperation. In the second stage, communities confront a question of institutional supply, and hence must overcome inherent bargaining and collective action issues in order to forge interlocal agreements. Heckman probit estimates of such complex relationships using data drawn from a 2003 ICMA survey suggest strong support for this model. The most significant takeaway is that local collaboration keys in on city resources. It is said that potential efficiencies and cost savings are most often cited by government officials as reasons to pursue agreements. Interlocal service cooperation agreements are presumed to “spread financing responsibility and risk, broaden equipment replacement cost sharing and achieve volume purchasing discounts, and [result in] capital acquisition/ improvements and certain other resources becoming more efficiently and effectively utilized due to economies of size, scale, and scope (Kwon, Feiock, 2010).

In this article, Andrew discussed the role of intergovernmental cooperations and how it plays in confronting issues. IJAs is a fundamental element of metropolitan governance in the United States. In the current local fiscal environment of economic recession, declining state and federal aid, and the use of highly restrictive property tax limits on local governments in most states, IJAs may be critical tools for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of local public services (Thurmaier and Wood 2002; Wood 2006; Carr,LeRoux, and Shrestha 2009). They may also provide an important mechanism for facilitat ing cooperation on collective action problems among municipal, county, and special district governments (Andrew, 2009). The takeaway from this article is that how this was done for decades and still can be implemented in communities in the present. The agreements has to have precise details for implementing. 

Andrew, S. A. (2009). Recent Developments in the Study of Interjurisdictional Agreements: An Overview and Assessment. State and Local Government Review, 41(2), 133–142. doi:10.1177/0160323X0904100208 

Kwon, S. W., & Feiock, R. C. (2010). Overcoming the barriers to cooperation: Intergovernmental service agreements. Public Administration Review, 70(6), 876-884.

In your responses to your group members, compare and contrast your perspectives and note any similarities and differences.

For your response posts, do the following:

Write a Post of two to three paragraphs.

Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt.

Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources.



7-1 to small group discussion response 02
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