
Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title  
Grade Level  
Content Standard(s)

What state standards and/or national standards are being addressed?


What are the SMART goals/objectives that are aligned with the standards for the lesson?

Academic Language

What oral and/or written academic language is used in the lesson?

Prior Knowledge

What content knowledge, skills, and academic experiences related to this topic have students demonstrated prior to this lesson?


What materials and instructional resources are needed for the teacher and students?


How will technology be used in this lesson (e.g., research, instruction, practice, and/or assessment; and/or any adaptive or interactive devices)?

Instruction (I do)

What are the step-by-step procedures that you will model in the instructional portion of this lesson?

Guided Practice (We do)

What learning activity will the students do in a group setting that allows them to practice and apply what they have learned?

Independent Practice (You do)

What learning activity will the students do individually that allows them to practice and apply what they have learned?


What supports will you provide based on individual and group needs? Include supports for the whole class, groups of students with similar needs, individual students, and students with exceptional learning needs (e.g., IEPs or 504 plans, gifted/talented).


How will you end the lesson (e.g., culminating activity or task)?


What formal and informal assessments will you use to evaluate students? How will you know if the students attained what you expected?





Week 5
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