Interview of Older Adult Assignment Guidelines: Instructions
Step 1: Interview an adult 65 years or older and have them SIGN consent form
Step 2: Take notes or record information so you have it to use when you write your paper
Step 3: Use the information you gained from their interview to write your Life Story Paper. It’s worth 75 points
Step 4: Incorporate 2 outside sources using APA formatting
Step 5: Make sure: you have a cover page, a works cited page, 750+ words, and in-text citations using APA formatting, NO SPELLING or GRAMMATICAL ERRORS
Step 6: Have a writing tutor or another person EDIT your paper using Step 5 above
Please see the attached documents which include:
- Using the questions below, conduct an interview with a person at least 65 years of age. Feel free to add questions of your won whenever one occurs to you.
- You will need to have the interviewee sign the Consent to Discuss Information (attached at the bottom) form prior to conducting the interview.
- You will write a report of your interview. The report should include the following criteria: A. Typed and double-spaced using 11 or 12 point Times New Roman font B. Include the questions in your report in a format that enable the reader to know what the person you are interviewing is referring to. C. Discuss your personal reaction to the interview in three paragraphs at the end of your report. This should include the following: ➢ What did you learn? Did anything surprise you? ➢ How did you feel during the interview? ➢ What changes (if any) have occurred in your perception of older adults? (What did you think before? What do you think now?) D. Tie in a MINIMUM of TWO CONCEPTS from the text/class that you observed E. You must have the signed consent form in order to get any point credit for this paper Questions for Interview of Older Adult
- Please tell me about your childhood, family and school life. Ask for detailed information. For example: a. Where did he/she grow up b. How many people in his/her family c. Did both parents work? d. What were parents highest level of education e. What were their highest level of education f. What did he/she like best or least about school g. What was their opinion about their birth order in their family h. What parenting styles did their parents employ
- Please tell me about your young adult life. For example: a. What was your highest level of education b. What did you do for a career? c. Did you participate in the military? If so, we you deployed? Where? d. Would you recommend college or the military to other young people? e. Did you marry? 2 f. Did you have a family? g. What parenting styles did you employ? h. Did you have a co-parenting relationship with your partner? Was it egalitarian? i. Did you participate in regular exercise regimens 2. Do you consider yourself old? At what ages (or stages) did you notice that you were getting older? What things told you so?
- What is the most important historical event or period of time that you have lived through? How did id influence you personally? WHY? [Note to student: this should be a ROBUST paragraph]
- What is the biggest change you have seen in how people conduct their everyday lives? [examples might include people exercise more or less, work harder or less hard, put education first, use technology, deterioration of the ‘family meal’…….]
- What have been the best years of your life so far? Why? What are your plans for the future?
- How are young people today different from when you were their age? What is the biggest contributor to this change?
- What advice would you give young people to help them prepare for their older age?
- What part of society most shocks you? [a political/religious issue, ie. gun control or something else like technology use?]
- Have you ever experienced any negative attitudes or discrimination because of you age? If so, please explain.
- For the student: Based on what you have learned in the interview, ask at least one more question; what else would you like to know about the person’s life? 3 Consent to Discuss