- In a world that uses Big Data, there are so many tools, applications, and methodologies for extracting information from Big Data. The article “On using MapReduce to scale algorithms for Big Data analytics: a case study“, it discusses processes that algorithms are used for in data science. After reading the article, research the term “Scale adds Cost”. as a scholarly writer it is important to understand the profoundness a simple statement can have on an audience. How does this statement impact the use of big data in data science?
Your paper should be a minimum of four pages, not including the cover page and reference page. The font is Times New Roman, font size should be 12, and the paragraphs are double-spaced. There should be a minimum of three references supporting your observations. Citations and references are to follow APA 7.0.
Essential Activities:
Complete the week’s readings prior to writing this paper.
- Please refer to the rubric on the course information tab for this assignment.
2. Each week to earn full points, make sure to include outside sources to support your paper.
3. All work is to be original.
2_ In the world of Data Science, each scientist has to know and understand their audience when it comes to conveying information. The article “Doing Data Science: A Framework and Case Study“, it discusses the aspect of data and the information it conveys as knowledge. After reading the article, research the the quote from Thomas Jefferson “knowledge is power”. as a data scientist, why is it important to your representation of the information that the data produces?
Your paper should be a minimum of four pages, not including the cover page and reference page. The font is Times New Roman, font size should be 12, and the paragraphs are double-spaced. There should be a minimum of three references supporting your observations. Citations and references are to follow APA 7.0.
Essential Activities:
Complete the week’s readings prior to writing this paper.
- Please refer to the rubric on the course information tab for this assignment.
- . Each week to earn full points, make sure to include outside sources to support your paper.
- All work is to be original.