PowerPoint Presentation: Satterlee Assignment Instructions
Students will choose three important concepts from chapters 3 and 4 of the Satterlee text and create a PowerPoint presentation. Each presentation must include 10-15 slides and demonstrate course-related knowledge.
This assignment must be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation. Other presentation software cannot be used.
Please see the PowerPoint Presentation: Satterlee Grading Rubric for additional guidance.
The presentation will include with extensive speaker notes embedded on each slide that include full sentences, describe the contents of each slide, and are properly cited.
The following will be necessary:
Perform academic research to support your discussion by finding and utilizing 3 scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles in addition to assigned course readings in the text and assigned library and website readings. Research should be performed in the Liberty University Online Library to ensure that scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles are chosen.
Including personal experiences in the speaker notes is encouraged.
Slides should be in third person. Speaker notes can be in first person.
Use current APA format for citations and references.
Write at graduate-level quality in your speaker notes.
The title page and reference list (that takes up no more than 1 page) are included in the 10-15 slide requirement.
As you work on this assignment, consider that you are developing this PowerPoint as if you were giving a presentation to an audience.
You do not want the audience to read along with you, rather you will be presenting points on each slide that you will expand in the speaker notes as if you were making the presentation.
Each slide should be interesting/attractive to look at, but not overwhelming. Even those in the back of the audience should be able to see to fully see the presentation.
Following are the instructions for completing your PowerPoint presentation assignments.
The title page and slide citations and references will be produced in current APA format. The content will be supported by scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles and the text, and be free of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes.
PowerPoint Presentation
Students will complete 10-15 slides (including title page and 1 reference page) and presented in the following order:
Title Page (formatted the same as an MS Word title page without a running head) On this slide the speaker traditionally introduces themselves and tells the audience why this presentation is important to them personally or to their profession.
A short overview of the three concepts.
Three Concepts (separate headings for each concept)
The 3 most important concepts you have learned from the textbook readings, presentations, and website and article readings (from the text as noted above).
In the discussion, include why these are the most important for an organization to consider.
Biblical Integration
Integrate a minimum of one biblical principle that relates to one or more of your concepts. Listing a Bible verse alone is unacceptable. Provide a verse and elaborate how it relates to your topic.
A short summation of the three concepts
References – 4 total (Using APA , the same as you would format a list of references in MS Word.) Include all references on 1 page – the font can be adjusted on this page only to make all the references fit.
3 scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles from the Jerry Falwell Library. Two of these references must have been published in the previous five years.
1 reference from the text.
For those who are new to PowerPoint, there are several sources on the Internet that provide opinions on what is included in an effective PowerPoint presentation.
Some commonly known tips from NCSL for effective slide presentations:
Use a simple slide master template from MS PowerPoint
Avoid all caps except for the titles
If images are used, ensure they are quality images. Use quality clipart sparingly if necessary.
Limit the number of slides to 10-15 slides
No font size smaller than 24 point
Use different colors, sizes, and styles (e.g., bold) for emphasis (but be sure that the changes don’t affect the audience being able to clearly see the slides).
Limit the number of words per slide bullet point (use the speaker notes to write full sentences to define your bullet points).
Most slides will use bullet points, with no more than 6 words per line and no more than 6 lines per slide
Limit the information on each slide to the essentials. (NCSL, n.d.)
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Purdue University Online Writing Lab (n.d.). APA PowerPoint slide presentation. Retrieved from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/apa _powerpoint_slide_presentation.html
National Conference of State Legislatures (n.d.). Tips for making effective PowerPoint presentations. Retrieved from https://www.ncsl.org/legislators-staff/legislative-staff/legislative-staff-coordinating-committee/tips-for-making-effective-powerpoint-presentations.aspx