You are a job coach at the local community center. Your work involves providing vocational training and practical job seeking skills to clients that have had a hard time seeking work. This afternoon, one of your clients comes in to tell you that he just accepted a job! As Todd begins to tell you about his new position, he pulls out a small wrapped gift that he purchased to thank you for all of your help.
Initial Post: Should you accept Todd’s gift? Be sure to address the following:
- What ethical dilemmas does the gift exchange present?
- Would your acceptance violate any ethical standards? If so which ones?
- What are some of the risks or consequences that could result from your acceptance of the gift?
- If you decline the gift, what are your reasons?
- Are there any risks that might result from declining his gifts?
- Does accepting a gift from the client depend on the age of the client?
- Does the cost of the gift matter?
Reply Post: Respond to a classmate that responded differently than you. Explain why you disagree with them or whether they changed your opinion.