This assignment increases the students’ awareness of the National Patient Safety Goals developed by The Joint Commission. Specifically, this assignment will introduce the Speak Up Initiatives, an award-winning patient safety program designed to help patients promote their own safety by proactively taking charge of their healthcare.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO #2: Apply the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention in the laboratory setting. (PO #2)
CO #8: Explain the rationale for selected nursing interventions based upon current nursing literature. (PO #8)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Total points possible: 50 points
Preparing the assignment
- Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. a. Select a Speak Up brochure from The Joint Commission website.
- Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique.
- Include current nursing or healthcare journal article to support your critique.
- Include the following sections
- Introduction of brochure (3 points/6%)
- Includes brochure title
- Identifies date published
iii. Describes individuals or groups
- Brochure properly cited, included on reference list, and submitted with assignment
- Summary of article (5 points/ 10%) -brochure citation required
- Explain the main topics discussed
- Communication (5 points/10 %) -brochure citation required
- Review information that promotes communication between patients and healthcare providers
- Personal Reflection (2 points /4%)
- Why did this topic interest you?
- Evaluation of brochure (14 points/28% total (2 points each) (Brochure & nursing article must be cited)
- Was the information provided in the brochure beneficial? Could you incorporate it in your patient education?
- What was done well, and what could have been improved in the brochure?
iii. Was the information presented clearly?
- Did current nursing or healthcare related research article support the information presented in the brochure?
- What population or individuals does this article apply to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this brochure)?
- Who else can use this information?
vii. Will this information increase patient safety?
- Evidence Review & Application (5 points/10% total)
- Evidence was integrated from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal article to support your answers.
- Conclusion (5 points/10%)
- Restates main ideas
- Includes supporting information from body of paper
iii. Summarizes the benefits of following the brochure’s advice to a person at risk
- APA style and structure (2 points/4%)
- Adheres to current APA edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, in-text citations, and references
- Section headers are required
- Summary of Brochure
- Patient Communication
- Personal Reflection
- Evaluation of Brochure
- Evidence Review and Application
- Conclusion
iii. Paper is no longer than three (3) pages, excluding title page, reference page, and copy of brochure
- Extra pages will not be read or contribute to the assignment grade
- Clarity of writing (9 points/18%) i. Proper use of Standard English
- Shows original thought
iii. No spelling or grammar errors
- Information presented in a logical progression