Prepare and record a 8-10 minute Kaltura presentation with a Power Point that summarizes your reflection on the learning experience within the MBA degree program.
It should reflect your candid assessment of the level of achievement of the degree’s overall Learning Outcomes listed below:
- Construct a situational analysis in order to develop business strategies and tactics.
- Integrate legal, ethical, and socially responsible constructs to make sound business decisions.
- Apply interpersonal oral communication with diverse audiences.
- Appraise collaborative leadership strategies to manage, influence, and lead in a global environment.
- Apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative inquiry methods to solve business problems.
For each of the five learning outcomes, use your graduate-level critical/evaluative thinking skills and the four questions below to guide your reflection about your personal level of achievementa) In which of these MBA degree program outcomes have achieved significant proficiency? Provide (cite) examples from the work you have done throughout the course of your degree to support your response.b) Which Learning Outcome(s) did you not achieve proficiency? Where or in what courses or experiences within the course of the MBA degree program did these challenges manifest the most? Explain fully and provide examples.c) Reflecting on your MBA degree experience, what would you have done differently to overcome the challenges reflected in the learning outcomes in which you judge yourself to have less proficiency? Lastly, as you conclude, state your overall assessment of the program; its content, delivery and relevance to your professional/career goals.