This is a template and checklist corresponding to your Assignment 2 Part A paper, in which you analyze the “Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset” case study.
See below for an explanation of the color coding in this template:
- All green text includes instructions to support your writing. You should delete all green text before submitting your final paper.
- All blue text indicates areas where you need to replace the instructions with your own information. Replace the blue text with your own words in black.
- Headings and subheadings are written in black, bold type. Keep these headings in your paper.
- Write in the third person, using “he”, “she” or “they”, or specific names. Do not use the second person “you” or the first person, “I” in your case study analysis.
- Use one-inch margins and double spaced text. Use Arial or Times New Roman font, size 10 – 12. The body of this paper is already formatted to these specifications.
- Use the Grammarly tool to check for punctuation and usage errors and make the required corrections. Then read your paper aloud to edit for tone and flow.
- JWMI uses the SafeAssign tool to check for plagiarism. A high score indicates a potential problem. Check with your professor about acceptable Safe Assign scores.
- While writing your paper, check the Assignment Rubric; all graded topics that you need to address are listed in the rubrics and their weighting is indicated.
- For help with Citations and References, see the JWMI Writing Standards Guide, located in the Course Documents menu item in your Blackboard course.
Finalizing your Paper
Your final paper for Part 1 should be 4-5 pages in length. The page count does not include the Cover page at the beginning and the References page at the end. The final paper that you submit for grading should be in black text only with all remaining green text and blue text removed.
This is your Cover Page:
Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset Case Study
Assignment 2 Part A: Analyzing the Case
Write Your Name here
Jack Welch Management Institute
JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century
Write Your Professor’s Name here
Write the Date here
How to Get Started:
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section, read the notes in green, which explains what to cover in that section. Then delete the green notes and write your content for that section in regular black text. You should mostly write about the case in your own words. Only cite the case study if you borrow specific data or if you quote directly (and briefly) from the case study text.
When you have finished writing your paper, keep the section and sub-section titles in bolded black text as part of your paper and your own content in regular black text. Remember to delete all the green text before submitting your paper.
The Body of Your Paper Starts Here:
An Introduction should be short and succinct. Start your Introduction with a brief summary of the paper’s topic – in this case, analyzing the case study about Nadella’s leadership at Microsoft. Next, write a thesis statement, which is the “road map” for your paper – it helps your reader to navigate your work. In your thesis statement, be specific about the major areas you plan to address in your paper. The headings below are helpful, since those identify the topics to be addressed. Write your Introduction after you complete the other sections of your paper. It only needs to be one paragraph in length.
Diagnosis of the Problems at Microsoft
This section corresponds to Section 1 of the Assignment Instructions. It specifically identifies the challenges and dysfunctions that existed when Nadella became CEO of Microsoft and the goals he set, as a change leader, to transform the organization. The suggested length is 1.0 to 1.5 pages for this section.
Under this main heading, write one or two sentences describing the overall topic of this section. Then use the subheadings below to provide more details.
Major Challenges
In this sub-section, write a paragraph identifying the biggest challenges that Nadella faced when he took charge of Microsoft. Be sure to cite specific examples to illustrate these challenges.
Areas of Dysfunction
In this sub-section, write a paragraph describing which of Lencioni’s five (5) areas of dysfunction were most present in the teams at Microsoft. When you refer to Lencioni’s ideas, you may paraphrase the concept in your own words or you may use brief direct quotation. In either case, be sure to cite your source.
Goals for Transformation
In this sub-section, write a paragraph describing the goals Nadella set for transforming Microsoft. Be sure to link each goal to the challenge(s) it is designed to address. Write about Nadella’s goals in your own words, to illustrate your understanding of Nadella’s plans for the organization.
Nadella as a Change Leader
This section corresponds to Section 2 of the Assignment Instructions. It analyzes Nadella’s leadership style and describes the steps and actions he took as a change leader for Microsoft. The suggested length is 1.0 to 1.5 pages for this section.
Under this main heading, write one or two sentences describing the overall topic of this section. Then use the subheadings below to provide more details.
Leadership Style
In this sub-section, draw on Daniel Goleman’s “Leadership that Gets Results” (from Week 3). In the light of Goleman’s ideas, write a paragraph discussing which of Goleman’s leadership styles most closely matches Nadella’s demonstrated behaviors. . Explain your choice.
Rules of Leadership
In this sub-section, write a paragraph discussion which of Jack’s “8 Rules of Leadership” are most evident in Nadella’s initiatives. Explain using specific examples from the case to support your response.
Improving Teamwork
In this sub-section, write a paragraph explaining how in terms of company culture did Nadella chang systems and processes at Microsoft to improve teamwork. Refer to specific examples from the case.
Growth Mindset
In this sub-section, define what Nadella means by the term: “growth mindset”. Describe how Nadella worked to foster a “growth mindset” at Microsoft. Refer to specific examples from the case.
Assessment of Nadella’s Effectiveness
This section corresponds to Section 3 of the Assignment Instructions. It evaluates Nadella’s change efforts, proposes metrics to measure the change, discusses how to sustain the wins achieved, and identifies probable future challenges. The suggested length is 1.0 to 1.5 pages for this section.
Under this main heading, write one or two sentences describing the overall topic of this section. Then use the subheadings below to provide more details.
Metrics to Measure Success
In this sub-section, discuss what metrics could be used to evaluate the success of Nadella’s change efforts. Why would these metrics be effective?
Sustaining Wins
In this sub-section, explain what else Nadella and his team can do to sustain the wins achieved so far. For example, how can they combat the tendency of people to return to the old, familiar ways of doing business?
Future Challenges
In this sub-section, describe any additional challenges that you expect Nadella will face, as he continues with his plans to strengthen Microsoft’s organizational culture and operations. Relate your prediction to the culture at Microsoft, as described in the case study.
Write a short conclusion to summarize your main findings and key points. State clearly how you have analyzed the case study and explored Nadella’s experience as the new CEO at Microsoft. Like the Introduction, write this after you complete the other sections of your paper. It only needs to be one paragraph in length. This is not a graded part of your rubric but it wraps up your paper and allows your reader to remember the main points you have made.
Finish Your Paper: Add a References (or Sources) page:
The Conclusion is the last section of the body of your paper. After this, you will add a References (or Sources) page. See the last page of this document for a sample References page.
Read the section below, on pages 7 and 8, for instructions on how to cite your reference materials and sources within the body of your paper, as well as examples of paraphrasing and direct quotation.
How to Cite Your Sources
In-Text Citations
Within the body of your paper, when concepts from specific sources are used, a citation with the author’s last name and the number of the citation in your References list is required: e.g., (Welch, 1). This is called an in-text citation. See below for two examples:
“Leadership is about helping other people grow and succeed” (Welch, 1).
- In this example, notice the placement of quotation marks, cited text, and the period after the citation. The number 1 corresponds to the first entry on our References page.
When the reader looks at the References page, they should see the Welch book listed as source number one (1). It is number 1 because it is the first source used in the paper, and throughout the paper this source will continue to be referred to as (1).
If the next source you use in your paper is Goleman, then your citation is (Goleman, 2). If you then refer to Jack’s ideas again later in the paper, he remains (Welch, 1) because it is the first source used in the paper, and throughout the paper this source will continue to be referred to as (1).
Teams can benefit from a tool called a team charter, used to plan for a project (JWI510, 5).
- In this example, the concept is paraphrased (restated on other words), so quotation marks are not needed. The five (5) indicates the number of this source in our References. If I go to the References page, I see that source 5 is a lecture and it lists the week and title of the lecture.
Linking Citations with your References (or Sources) Page
At the end of your paper, include a page with a list of all your sources. You may refer to this page as either your “References” or “Sources” page. It must include an entry for every source that you have cited or quoted in your paper.
The format of the references list varies by source type. There are examples of different source types in the sample References page at the end of this document. You may also refer to the JWMI Writing Standards Guide, located in the Course Documents menu item in your Blackboard course.
Originality is an important aspect of graduate writing. To ensure original thinking and avoid plagiarism, you should keep direct quotation to a minimum. Generally, keep your quotes to 25 words or less, and no more than 1-2 sentences. See below for an example of a direct quotation:
“Leadership is about helping other people grow and succeed” (Welch, 1).
- In this example, notice the placement of quotation marks, the cited text, the citation written as (Welch, 1), and the period after the citation. The number 1 corresponds to the first entry on our References page.
When you paraphrase, you put the information from another writer in your own words. This is much preferable to quoting, because it shows your understanding of the material. In this case, use in-text citation, but no quotation marks are required. See below for an example of paraphrasing:
In his Rule #3, Welch says that strong leaders display an impression of vitality and confidence (1).
- In this example, notice that no quotation marks are needed, since the concept is paraphrased (restated in your own words). The author’s name was used in the sentence, so we do not need to include it again in the parentheses; just include the Reference number, which is (1).
Formatting your References (or Sources) Page
Scroll down to the following page to see a sample References page.
The examples on the References page below are provided as a guide. You may wish to save the sample References page for future use, as it provides the format for several different types of source.
To complete your assignment, delete the sample Sources/References list and replace it with the sources that you have actually used in your paper. Remember to number your References in the order of their first use in your paper.
- Jack Welch. 2005. Winning
- Daniel Goleman.2000. Leadership That Gets Results. Harvard Business Review
- Patrick Lencioni. 2002. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
- Purdue Online Writing Lab. n.d. http://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html
- Week 4. Lecture. Building High-Performance Teams
- Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan & Anna Johnston. June 2018. Satya Nadela at Microsoft: Instilling a growth mindset. London Business School
- Student’s First Name Student’s Last Name. 2021. Everything DiSC Workplace. http://blackboard.strayer.edu
- Week 5. EOP Video. Jack Welch
- Brent Gleeson. May 31, 2018. 7 Mindsets Necessary for Successful Leadership Development. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2018/05/31/7-mindsets-necessary-for-successful-leadership-development/#683c852650d3
- Week 3. Video. Jim McNerney. Characteristics of Successful Leaders
- JWMI Policy & Procedures Guide. This is the policy at my office.