Question one Outline
First, please refer to the Midterm Essay assignment in Module 3 and the course materials.
In response to the essay instructions, please provide a one-page outline of your midterm essay. As part of your outline, please provide a thesis statement in direct response to the essay question and a list of course materials that you anticipate will help you in crafting your essay.
It is understood that this will be a rough sketch of your eventual essay, so please try to keep the outline no longer than one page.
This is an extra credit assignment worth 5 points. (Even though it is listed as zero points, the extra credit points can still be awarded for this assignment.)
Question 2 Main Essay
Essay Instructions: In a double-spaced essay of at least 1,000 words, please respond directly and completely to the following question:
Modern international law describes war as legitimate only as a last resort, defines the use of force as legal only under highly restrictive conditions, and places substantial restrictions on combatants’ behavior during the conduct of war. To what degree do you think that major state powers such as the US and Russia abide by contemporary law of war in the use of force and in foreign policy? And, to what degree do you think legal limitations on conduct related to conflict have made the world a better place?
Your answer can emphasize issues related to the decision to go to war (Jus ad Bellum), conduct during war (Jus in Bello) related to core IHL principles of necessity, humanity, distinction and proportionality, and/or a mixture of these issues. Whichever approach you take, be sure to engage with the course materials and be specific.
*Additional note: Regarding whether IHL has made the world a better place, it might be helpful (but it’s not required) to consider some of the data from the Global Change Data Lab, such as “Total Battle-related deaths, 1945-2016,” or “Violent deaths in conflicts and one-sided violence since 1989,” available at https://ourworldindata.org/war-and-peace. Hope this is useful!