Assignment Details
In this unit, we are studying the power that may be exercised by the executive branch.
Select only 1 of the following cases, and respond to the questions in a 4–5-page paper (choose only 1 case):
Case 1:
Read the case Trump v. Hawaii, 585 U.S. ___ (2018), and answer the following questions:
- Summarize the facts of the case in your own words.
- Summarize the law that was passed to exclude certain foreign nationals.
- What did the Court state about the justiciability of this case?
- What did the Court state about the plaintiffs’ standing to file the lawsuit?
- What did the Court state regarding the president’s authority to pass this law?
- Finally, discuss whether you agree with the majority or with the dissenting justices. Explain your answer.
Case 2:
Read the case of Zivotofsky v. Kerry, 576 U.S. ___(2015), and answer the following questions:
- Summarize the facts of the case in your own words.
- Summarize the law that was passed to exclude certain foreign nationals.
- What did the Court state about the justiciability of this case?
- What did the Court state about the plaintiffs’ standing to file the lawsuit?
- What did the Court state about the conflict between Congress’s authority to pass the statute and the president’s authority to recognize a foreign sovereign?
- Finally, discuss whether you agree with the majority or with the dissenting justices. Explain your answer.
Oyez. (n.d.a). Trump v. Hawaii. https://www.oyez.org/cases/2017/17-965
Oyez. (n.d.b). Zivotofsky v. Kerry. https://www.oyez.org/cases/2014/13-628
History Of The Constitution And The Courts And The Power Of The Presidency Individual Project