TOPIC: Community Health Promotion Project
In this ASSIGNEMNT, through completion of the course project components, you have developed tools that could be utilized in a real-world strategic planning process. Your final assignment will culminate in the design of a comprehensive work plan that provides a bird’s-eye view of the entire strategic planning process.
For this assignment, complete the following:
Develop a concise strategic plan executive summary and conclusion in narrative form.
Include a timeline for completion of the health initiative.
Take a step back to consider the entire planning process from beginning (the initial decision to embark upon a strategic plan) to a set endpoint (36 months later).
Follow the format of the Community Health Promotion Project Work Plan Template, linked in the Resources for this assignment.
The numbered assignment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
Demonstrate alignment between the goals and objectives and relevant activities and approaches.
How do the activities or approaches meet the goals and objectives of the work plan?
Describe methods and avenues for obtaining resources to launch the strategic plan.
Where will you secure initial needed resources, financial or otherwise?
Recommend person(s) or entities to implement and maintain the health initiative.
What makes this person or entity qualified to manage this initiative?
Recommend fiscal resources for ongoing support of the health initiative.
Where will funding come from to support continued efforts and operations?
Compose a comprehensive plan (considering the time frame) of the significant aspects of the strategic planning process.
The significant aspects should include the planning stages, efforts to collaborate with the community, data collection and needs assessment, reporting of results, design and implementation of the plan, feedback loops, evaluation, and future/next steps.
Write in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline, ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style, and proper APA formatting of references.
Communicate clearly and concisely.
The CDC Workplans: A Program Management Tool document, linked in the Resources, may be helpful for developing your work plan.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Your work plan should be well structured, comprehensive in scope, and detailed in execution, and should generally be free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Format: Utilize the file template provided. Submit 8 pages in a landscape matrix, in a readable font, 10-point font minimum.
Citations and references: Include a minimum of THREE current, scholarly and/or authoritative sources that support the content of your plan.
Include THREE academic references above 2017
Due 9/10/22 at 10am
Community Health Promotion Project Scoring Guide TO GRAIN ALL POINTS
Demonstrate alignment between the goals and objectives and relevant activities and approaches.
17% Does not demonstrate alignment between the goals and objectives and relevant activities and approaches. Demonstrates partial alignment between the goals and objectives and relevant activities and approaches. Demonstrates alignment between the goals and objectives and relevant activities and approaches. Demonstrates well-defined and specific alignment between the goals and objectives and relevant activities and approaches.
Describe methods and avenues for obtaining resources to launch the strategic plan.
17% Does not describe methods and avenues for obtaining resources to launch the strategic plan. Identifies but does not describe methods and avenues for obtaining resources to launch the strategic plan. Describes methods and avenues for obtaining resources to launch the strategic plan. Describes methods and avenues for obtaining resources to launch the strategic plan; shows a comprehensive and scholarly understanding of the process.
Recommend person(s) or entities to implement and maintain the health initiative.
17% Does not recommend person(s) or entities to implement and maintain the health initiative. Identifies person(s) or entities to implement and maintain the health initiative, but their roles or reasons for their selection are unclear, questionable, or not well defined. Recommends person(s) or entities to implement and maintain the health initiative. Recommends person(s) or entities to implement and maintain the health initiative; provides selection rationale and supporting documentation for selection.
Recommend fiscal resources for ongoing support of the health initiative.
17% Does not recommend fiscal resources for ongoing support of the health initiative. Recommends fiscal resources for ongoing support of the health initiative, but the selection(s) are questionable or not well defined. Recommends fiscal resources for ongoing support of the health initiative. Recommends fiscal resources for ongoing support of the health initiative and includes a comprehensive explanation for the selection(s).
Compose a comprehensive overview of the significant aspects of the strategic planning process.
16% Does not compose a comprehensive overview of the significant aspects of the strategic planning process. Composes an overview of the strategic planning process, but it lacks depth or is missing significant information. Composes a comprehensive overview of the significant aspects of the strategic planning process. Composes a comprehensive overview of the significant aspects of the strategic planning process (within a realistic time frame) that makes explicit and insightful connections and inferences by skillfully integrating scholarship and practice.
Write in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline, ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style, and proper APA formatting of references.
16% Does not write in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline, ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style, and proper APA formatting of references. Writing partially meets the academic and professional requirements of the discipline; work has errors in structure, grammar, usage, style, or APA formatting of references. Writes in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline, ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style, and proper APA formatting of references. Writes in full accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline; work uses appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style, and proper APA formatting of references with no errors.