You are the President of an athletic organization. This organization can be hypothetical.
“Challenges in Functional Areas Applied to Sport Management.” written in a way to serve as a training tool to educate interns working for your athletic organization.
- Explain the importance of each functional area (i.e., planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating) associated with your athletic organization. Also, provide one (1) example for each of the aforementioned functional areas in order to support information.
- Planning: A functional area of management that includes defining organizational goals and determining the appropriate mean by which to achieve those desired goals.
- Organizing: A functional area of management that focuses on putting plans into action by determining which types of jobs need to be performed and who will be responsible for doing these jobs.
- Leading: A functional area of management that is the “action” part of management process; it involves a variety of activities, including delegating, managing differences, managing change, and motivating employees.
- Evaluating: A functional area of management that measure and ensures progress toward organizational objectives by establishing reporting systems (include an organizational chart), developing performance standards, observing employment performance, and designing reward systems to acknowledge successful work on the part of employees.
Please begin a new paragraph when presenting information for each of the aforementioned functional areas. Also, identify each type of functional area’s name (i.e., planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating) in BOLD text.
Challenges in Functional Areas Applied to Sports Management