Who are some of the key professional development leaders in your school?
There are many key professional leaders in my school. However, it is the hard-working teachers
who inspire me every day.
In what ways do those leaders guide your learning?
The teachers at RTE are the hardest working group of educators I know. They guide me to be the best version of myself which results in answering questions that leads to student achievement.
Do you believe the professional development leaders in your school meet your professional needs as a teacher of literacy?
Yes, they do because they are all willing to help me whether I need help with a lesson, using resources, or even observing them teach a literacy lesson.
What are some principles or topics that guide professional development in your school? Are these principles or topics effective in improving teaching performance and/or students’ literacy success?
Some principles that guide professional development in my school are curriculum fidelity and
differentiated instruction in order to meet the needs of all students.
Are there PLCs at your school? If so, what are the processes involved in the community? How does the community support literacy across the school?
Some PLCs we have had at RTE is Arts in the Basic Curriculum, AVID Site Team. K-5 Writing,
School Culture/Climate, MAP Growth, Technology Resources, Authentic Learning
Experience. The goal is to build strong teams, it’s important to define the roles and
relationships of team members. This starts from understanding everyone’s strengths
within the department We encourage buddy readers grouping students in different grade
levels to read each other.
How frequently does the PLC meet? Do you like the frequency with which they meet? What are some of the topics covered at PLC meetings?
These PLCs often meet once a month. Yes, I like the frequency that we met because we were
to get a lot of information accomplished. Topics varied based on the PLC. I am a member of the
AVID site team. We talked about ways to promote student leadership within the school. We also
discussed promoting and encouraging AVID strategies across K-5 grade levels.
In what ways have professional development and the PLC informed or shifted your teaching practice?
Professional development and PLCs provide me with the opportunity to work closely with other
teachers within our school. Learning from others in these PLCs allows me to reflect on ways to
enhance my teaching and adjust my practice.
How the school leaders, professional development opportunities, and PLCs at your field experience site support teacher growth and student success in literacy development?
Collaboration with school leaders, professional development opportunities, and PLCs are essential in order for educators to have ongoing and regular opportunities to learn from each other. This experience allows me and other educators to meet the needs of all students.