First, choose your favorite sense (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell). Write a one page double-spaced, 12 point font paper answering the following questions:
- What are the parts of this sensory system (example: smell has olfactory bulbs; vision includes the retina and rods and cones)?
- What is the absolute threshold for the sense you chose?
- Why did you choose this sense?
- Bonus – discuss transduction. (May earn up to 3 points; however, the point total may not exceed 60/60)
Second, download and complete the attached worksheet.
Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignment must be double spaced and include an APA formatted title and reference page. In-text citations are required in the body of your writing and full source citations in your reference page. Font size must be 10-12 pt. (Times New Roman 12, Arial 11, Calibri 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Georgia 11).
The title page should include:
- Assignment Name
- Student’s Name
- University
- Course Name and Number
- Instructor’s Name
- Assignment Due Date
Here is additional information to review which discusses how to format your paper.
You will submit two documents for this assignment: the paper and the completed worksheet.