Read the following pages in Towards A New Architecture: (1-20) and resp’ond to one (1) of the following prompts (A, B, C) in 100 – 150 words. (pg,1 starts in PDF. 24)
A. Discuss what the author was conveying in this passage. Include an example of a building, street or town that invokes positive emotion for you and what architectural components might contribute to that emotional res’ponse.
B. Describe the difference, according to the author, between the approaches of an engineer and an architect. What approach does each take to achieve their aesthetic?
C. Discuss the author’s observations regarding mass production and the influence it could have on architecture. Being that this work was writ’ten nearly a century ago, do you think his analysis was accurate?
PDF link: https://monoskop.org/images/b/bf/Corbusier_Le_Towards_a_New_Architecture_no_OCR.pdf