
Comprehensive Exam
Study Guide
May 2021
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Table of Contents
Comprehensive Exam Design ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Comprehensive Exam Topics for Master of Human Resource Management……………………………………………………….5
Business Ethics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Business Integration and Strategic Management………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Management Sub-Topic: Human Resource Management ……………………………………………………………………………..5
Management Sub-Topic: Organizational Behavior………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Advanced Human Resource Management I…………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Advanced Human Resource Management II………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Advanced Human Resource Management III……………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Advanced Human Resource Management IV ………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Advanced Human Resource Management V ……………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Sample Questions -MHRM……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Comprehensive Exam Topics for Master of Arts in Organizational Management………………………………………………..10
Management Sub-Topic: Human Resource Management ……………………………………………………………………………10
Management Sub-Topic: Organizational Behavior………………………………………………………………………………………10
Legal Environment of Business ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10
Business Ethics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10
Global Dimensions of Business ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Business Leadership ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11
Business Integration and Strategic Management………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Sample Questions -MAOM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
Comprehensive Exam Topics for Master of Business Administration………………………………………………………………..14
Marketing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
Business Finance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
Accounting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
Management Sub-Topic: Human Resource Management ……………………………………………………………………………15
Management Sub-Topic: Organizational Behavior………………………………………………………………………………………15
Legal Environment of Business ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Economics Subtopic: Macroeconomics ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Economics Subtopic: Microeconomics ………………………………………………………………………………………………………15
Business Ethics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16
Global Dimensions of Business ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16
Information Management Systems ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………16
Quantitative Techniques and Statistics………………………………………………………………………………………………………16
Business Leadership……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17
Business Integration and Strategic Management………………………………………………………………………………………..17
Sample Questions -MBA …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Q: Why is this exam required?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Q: How should I prepare for the exam?……………………………………………………………………………………………………..21
Q: Does this exam affect my final course grade? ………………………………………………………………………………………..21
Q: How many questions are on the exam?…………………………………………………………………………………………………21
Q: How much time do I have to take the exam?………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Q: How much time is allowed to answer each question? ……………………………………………………………………………..21
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Q: Can I “back track” or skip questions during the exam?…………………………………………………………………………….21
Q: How do I purchase and access the exam? …………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Q: Who do I contact if I purchased the wrong exam?…………………………………………………………………………………..22
Q: What if I have purchased the exam with a different e-mail than in my Student Profile?………………………………..22
Q: What do I do if the exam did not start? Trouble Shooting Tips………………………………………………………………….22
Q: Can I take breaks during the exam? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..22
Q: Who do I contact if my exam grade didn’t post?……………………………………………………………………………………..22
Exam Validity and Reliability ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23
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Common Professional Component (CPC) Comprehensive Exam

The Master of Human Resource Management, Master of Business Administration and Master of
Organizational Management degree programs use the Peregrine Business Administration Common
Professional Component (CPC) comprehensive exam which includes program specific topics. The exam
includes topics covered throughout the degree program, which are aligned to the topics required for
accreditation. Preparation for this exam comes from the academic coursework you will have completed.
Topics frequently overlap throughout required courses in the program and are covered in course
guidance, required and recommended readings, multi-media, course discussions, assignments, and
NOTE: All students will complete the comprehensive exam in BUS692: Strategies in Human Resource
Management. The exam is administered in Week Five of the course and takes approximately one to two
hours to complete. The exam may be completed only once.
IMPORTANT: Students will complete the exam corresponding with their degree program. When you
purchase the exam from the University Bookstore Ed Map you must choose your degree program
from the Purchase Options drop down menu to order the correct exam. It is critical to your success
that you select the correct exam.
Comprehensive Exam Design
The exam consists of 90-120 questions, including questions from each topic selected at random from a
test bank.
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Master of Human Resource Management Exam Topics
Business Ethics
• Corporate Social Responsibility (Questions related to social reputation, corporate philanthropy,
human rights, power, and ethics)
• Discrimination (Questions related to racial and sexual discrimination)
• Ethical Decision-Making (Questions related to external rewards, models of ethical decision making,
utilitarian reasoning, and business ethics)
• Individual and Corporate Ethics and Culture (Questions related to developing an ethical corporate
• International Ethical Standards (Questions related to ethical issues for companies doing business
• Stakeholder Relations (Questions related to how to engage stakeholders)
Business Integration and Strategic Management
• Business and Corporate-level Strategies (Questions related to localization strategy, international
strategy, economic of scale, emergent strategies, and business-level vs. corporate-level strategies)
• Continuous Improvement (Questions related to quality management, Six Sigma, Just-in-time
delivery, and sources of information regarding quality)
• Corporate Structure and Governance (Questions related to managers, strategic leadership, goals,
leverage, and company officers)
• Managers and Management Structure (Questions related to competitive intelligence, managing
people, learning, and functional managers)
• Marketing Strategy and Market Positioning (Questions related to global expansion, small-scale
entry, and the marketing strategic in market positioning)
• Mission and Vision (Questions related to the purpose and use of mission and vision relative to
corporate strategy)
• Shareholder Value and Return (Questions related to obligations to provide shareholder value and
return on investment)
• Strategic Analysis Tools (Questions related to the SWOT analysis, feedback, and ability to meet
financial obligations)
• Strategic Planning and Decision-Making (Questions related to steps in strategic planning and how
to make company-level decisions)
Management Sub-Topic: Human Resource Management
• HR Affirmative Action (Questions related to Affirmative Action Programs and compliance with
federal law)
• Employee Turnover (Questions related to voluntary vs. involuntary turnover)
• Equal Employment Opportunity (Questions related to EEO rules, employee rights, and
employment agencies)
• Human Resource Planning, Assessing, and Inventories (Questions related to employment
forecasting, role of company goals in employment planning, job design, and job analysis)
• Recruiting and Retention (Questions related to sources of employees, recruitment activities,
retraining, and retention tracking)
Management Sub-Topic: Organizational Behavior
• Career Planning and Employee Development (Questions related to diversity, organizational
design, and Knowledge/Skills/Abilities (KSAs))
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• Division of Labor and Organization (Questions related to organizational levels, hierarchy, network
organizations, and span of control)
• Employee Values, Motivations, and Characteristics (Questions related to understanding employee
motivations and behaviors, verbal communications, employee attitudes, and knowledge transfer)
• International and Multinational Organizations (Questions related to multinational design, global
mindsets, and worldwide perspectives)
• Organizational Culture, Ethics, and Values (Questions related to diversity, ethical dilemmas,
developing culture, codes of conduct, and culture strategies)
• Organizational Design and Structure (Questions related to organic organization, mechanistic
organization, bureaucracy, functional design, and determining the right design/structure)
• Organizational Strategies (Questions related to differentiation strategies, technological change,
and network-designed strategies)
Advanced Human Resource Management I
• Appraising and Improving Performance (Questions related to employee performance evaluations,
and conducting appraisal interviews)
• Developing a Competitive Workforce (Questions related to training climates, employee training
versus employee development, and cultural awareness)
• Employee Development (Questions related to career patterns, understanding the developmental
needs of employees, and career management)
• Employee Training (Questions related to employee goals, benefits of employee orientations,
developing a training environment, and understanding learning curves)
• Performance Management and Appraisal (Questions related to measuring individual performance,
developing performance appraisal systems, and employee/supervisor relationships)
Advanced Human Resource Management II
• Conducting Performance Management (Questions related to advantages of behaviorally anchored
rating scores, management by objectives, understanding stereotyping, using results based
formats, and behavioral observation scales)
• Employee Selection (Questions related to involving employees in the selection process, the
process for measuring employee appropriateness, synthesizing information from applicant-job
matching process, understanding discrimination issues, and employee competencies)
• Employee Separation and Retention (Questions related to the stages of alternative dispute
resolution, understanding job withdrawal, employee frame of reference, and the impact of negative
• Job Analysis, Employee Involvement, and Flexible Work Schedules (Questions related to
gathering employee feedback, job analysis, and psychological states of employees)
• Recruitment Careers (Questions related to specific job descriptions, career plateaus, determining
promotions, career development programs, and types of recruitment)
• Staffing (Questions related to pre-employment screenings, the importance of job analysis, the
activities involved in the staffing process, job fairs, and advantages to various hiring methods)
• Using Job Analysis and Competency Modeling (Questions related to modern work environments,
ergonomic analysis, comprehensive job analysis, and behavioral inventories)
Advanced Human Resource Management III
• Employee Benefits (Questions related to employee benefit plans, retirement benefit levels,
unemployment benefits, and the nature and value of employee benefits)
• Pay Structure Decisions (Questions related to the types of pay structures, the Fair Labor
Standards Act, and measuring pay equity)
• Providing Benefits and Services (Questions related to laws requiring employers to provide services
and benefits to employees, unemployment services benefits, and retirement benefits)
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• Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay (Questions related to dimensions of pay strategies,
incentive pay programs, and rewarding productive behavior)
• Total Compensation Approaches (Questions related to cost of living, the Fair Labor Standards Act,
the Equal Pay Act, pay grades, and types of pay systems)
• Using Performance-Based Pay to Achieve Strategic Objectives (Questions related to the
evaluation of merit raises, stock option plans, and performance based pay)
• Variable Pay and Benefits (Questions related to the funding of social security benefits, pay-for
performance plans, variable pay plans, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and
workers compensation)
Advanced Human Resource Management IV
• Diversity Training (Questions related to Family Medical Leave Act, goals of diversity training, Title
VII, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, sexual harassment, quid pro quo)
• Ensuring Fair Treatment and Legal Compliance (Questions related to termination of employees,
organizational codes of ethics, the prevention of harassment, and grievance procedures)
• Equal Employment Opportunity (Questions related to fair employment practice laws, the Glass
Ceiling Act, reverse discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and forms of
• Promoting Workplace Safety and Health (Questions related to the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, workplace safety and health, and workplace accidents)
• Risk Management and Employee Relations (Questions related to OSHA’s
Hazard Communication Standard, material safety data sheets, and preventing
work-related injuries and accidents)
Advanced Human Resource Management V
• Collective Bargaining (Questions related to labor relations, regulation of union actions, labor
management negotiation, employee strikes, and the National Law Relations Board)
• High-Performance Work Systems (Questions related to using high performance work systems,
encouraging collaboration and teamwork, and implementing high-performance work systems)
• HR Planning for Alignment and Change (Questions related to the resistance of change, planning
organizational changes, and the responsibility of employees in strategic change.
• International Human Resources Management (Questions related to assigning and accepting
international assignments, challenges of foreign assignments, expatriate managers, and
international business)
• Managing Human Resources Globally (Questions related to roles of expatriate managers, cultural
differences experienced working abroad, and collective cultures)
• Strategically Managing the HRM Function (Questions related to the total quality management
philosophy, the human resource strategy, and improving the human resources structure)
• Understanding Unionization (Questions related to the union certification process, functions of the
National Labor Relations Board, and contract negotiations)
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MHRM Sample Questions
Sample Question 1
Which of the following best describes the term corporate culture?
A. A function of many factors, including corporate policies on ethics, top management’s leadership on
ethical issues, the influence of coworkers, and the opportunity for unethical behavior.
B. A set of values, beliefs, goals, norms, and ways of solving problems that members (employees) of
an organization share.
C. A set of values, beliefs, goals, norms, and ways of solving problems that the public shares.
D. D. A function of many factors related to locus of control.
Correct Response: B
Sample Question 2
The resources and capabilities that lead to the formation of distinctive competencies are mostly created at
which level of the organization?
A. Business
B. Functional
C. Corporate
D. Global
Correct Response: B
Sample Question 3
Which of the following statements about recruitment activities is true? A.
Recruiting and hiring are interchangeable terms.
B. Effective recruitment attracts individuals to the organization.
C. Recruiting has little effect on employee retention.
D. Recruiting involves sorting and ranking job applicants.
Correct Response: B
Sample Question 4
The communication competency is linked to effective performance of all but which of the following
skills? A. active listening skill
B. questioning skill
C. liaison skill
D. empathizing skill
Correct Response: C
Sample Question 5
Which of the following is NOT true of appraisal feedback?
A. Employees need to have a clear understanding of how they stand in the eyes of the organization.
B. Managers often resist the appraisal process.
C. The sole purpose of the appraisal interview is to tell the employee, “Here is how you rate and why.”
D. Employees may see the appraisal process as a threat.
Correct Response: C
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Sample Question 6: Leon has applied for a mechanic’s job at a trucking company. As part of the
selection process, he was given three hours to repair a truck’s engine that was running unevenly using
parts available at the plant. The trucking company gave Leon a(n) _____ test.
A. knowledge
B. interest and preference
C. work simulation
D. unstructured
Correct Response: C
Sample Question 7: Which of the following is a factor used to determine retirement benefit levels of
employees under a defined benefit retirement plan?
A. Income level
B. Number of dependents
C. Number of promotions during the service
D. Age
Correct Response: D
Sample Question 8: According to the Uniform Guidelines, a rule of thumb that identifies selection
practices that favor a disproportionate number of non-protected class members is the _____.
A. two-thirds rule
B. acid-test rule
C. ration rule
D. four-fifths rule
Correct Response: D
Sample Question 9: When compared to traditional labor relations, transformational labor relations lead to
A. lower productivity
B. lower employee participation
C. lower organizational effectiveness
D. lower costs
Correct Response: D
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Master of Arts in Organizational Management Exam Topics
Management Sub-Topic: Human Resource Management
• HR Affirmative Action (Questions related to Affirmative Action Programs and compliance with
federal law)
• Employee Turnover (Questions related to voluntary vs. involuntary turnover)
• Equal Employment Opportunity (Questions related to EEO rules, employee rights, and
employment agencies)
• Human Resource Planning, Assessing, and Inventories (Questions related to employment
forecasting, role of company goals in employment planning, job design, and job analysis)
• Recruiting and Retention (Questions related to sources of employees, recruitment activities,
retraining, and retention tracking)
Management Sub-Topic: Organizational Behavior
• Career Planning and Employee Development (Questions related to diversity, organizational
design, and Knowledge/Skills/Abilities (KSAs))
• Division of Labor and Organization (Questions related to organizational levels, hierarchy, network
organizations, and span of control)
• Employee Values, Motivations, and Characteristics (Questions related to understanding employee
motivations and behaviors, verbal communications, employee attitudes, and knowledge transfer)
• International and Multinational Organizations (Questions related to multinational design, global
mindsets, and worldwide perspectives)
• Organizational Culture, Ethics, and Values (Questions related to diversity, ethical dilemmas,
developing culture, codes of conduct, and culture strategies)
• Organizational Design and Structure (Questions related to organic organization, mechanistic
organization, bureaucracy, functional design, and determining the right design/structure)
• Organizational Strategies (Questions related to differentiation strategies, technological change,
and network-designed strategies)

Legal Environment of Business
• Business Entities and Structure (Questions related to corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, Scorporations, and general partnerships)
• Common Law (Questions related to role of common law, double jeopardy, US and English
Common Law systems, and civil law systems)
• Legal Agreements and Documents (Questions related to fiduciary duty, prosecution, civil
proceedings, and the responsible corporate officer)
• Regulation and Control (Questions related to FTC Act, sources of international law, state laws, and
the Cyber Security Enhancement Act)
• Tariffs and Taxes (Questions related to who imposes tariffs and taxes)
• Tort and Liability (Questions related to trespass, negligence, punitive damages, privilege, libel,
intentional torts, and invasion of privacy)
• Trade Laws and Regulations (Questions related to regulating business ownership and international
Business Ethics
• Corporate Social Responsibility (Questions related to social reputation, corporate philanthropy,
human rights, power, and ethics)
• Discrimination (Questions related to racial and sexual discrimination)
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• Ethical Decision-Making (Questions related to external rewards, models of ethical decision making,
utilitarian reasoning, and business ethics)
• Individual and Corporate Ethics and Culture (Questions related to developing an ethical corporate
• International Ethical Standards (Questions related to ethical issues for companies doing business
• Stakeholder Relations (Questions related to how to engage stakeholders)
Global Dimensions of Business
• Collusion and Anti-Trust (Questions related to dumping, explicitly collusion, anti-trust law, and antitrust policy)
• Global Regulation and Governance (Questions related to European Union, Group of Eight, the
United Nations, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
• Global Structures and Strategies (Questions related to World Trade Organization, common
markets, barriers for entrants, exporting, and industry-based considerations)
• Multinational Corporations and Enterprises (Questions related to global corporations)
• Treaties and International Trade (Questions related to defining a global company, an international
division, and knowledge management in a global firm)
Business Leadership
• Coaching and Mentoring (Questions related to mentoring, executive coaching, and mentoring
• Leader Traits and Effectiveness (Questions related to leadership values, emotional intelligence,
enthusiastic leader, and self-awareness in leaders)
• Leadership Development (Questions related to education, succession planning, and feedback)
• Leadership Styles and Approaches (Questions related to positional leadership, executive leaders,
leadership competencies, and authority)
• Power and Legitimacy (Questions related to sources of power, socialized power, and contingent
reward and punishment behavior)
Business Integration and Strategic Management
• Business and Corporate-level Strategies (Questions related to localization strategy, international
strategy, economic of scale, emergent strategies, and business-level vs. corporate-level strategies)
• Continuous Improvement (Questions related to quality management, Six Sigma, Just-in-time
delivery, and sources of information regarding quality)
• Corporate Structure and Governance (Questions related to managers, strategic leadership, goals,
leverage, and company officers)
• Managers and Management Structure (Questions related to competitive intelligence, managing
people, learning, and functional managers)
• Marketing Strategy and Market Positioning (Questions related to global expansion, small-scale
entry, and the marketing strategic in market positioning)
• Mission and Vision (Questions related to the purpose and use of mission and vision relative to
corporate strategy)
• Shareholder Value and Return (Questions related to obligations to provide shareholder value and
return on investment)
• Strategic Analysis Tools (Questions related to the SWOT analysis, feedback, and ability to meet
financial obligations)
• Strategic Planning and Decision-Making (Questions related to steps in strategic planning and how
to make company-level decisions)
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MAOM Sample Questions
Sample Question 1
The communication competency is linked to effective performance of all but which of the following skills?
A. active listening skill
B. questioning skill
C. liaison skill
D. empathizing skill
Correct Response: C
Sample Question 2
When directors on a board serve for a fixed term but are not elected all at once it is known as a ________
A. Cumulative
B. Staggered
C. Proxy
D. Inside
Correct Response: B
Sample Question 3
Which of the following best describes the term corporate culture?
A. A function of many factors, including corporate policies on ethics, top management’s leadership on
ethical issues, the influence of coworkers, and the opportunity for unethical behavior.
B. A set of values, beliefs, goals, norms, and ways of solving problems that members (employees) of an
organization share.
C. A set of values, beliefs, goals, norms, and ways of solving problems that the public shares.
D. A function of many factors related to locus of control.
Correct Response: B
Sample Question 4
Which of the following are least likely to result in collusion?
A. High concentration ratio
B. Heterogeneous products
C. High entry barriers
D. High market commonality
Correct Response: B
Sample Question 5
Leadership effectiveness tends to be higher when the leader’s intelligence is:
A. about the same as that of the average group member
B. a little higher than that of the average group member
C. considerably higher than that of the average group member
D. considerably lower than that of the average group member
Correct Response: B
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Sample Question 6
Economies of scale are:
A. unit cost reductions associated with learning effects
B. unit cost reductions associated with superior customer responsiveness
C. realized when output is as large as possible
D. unit cost reductions associated with a large-scale output.
Correct Response: D
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Master of Business Administration Exam Topics
• Market Segment (Questions related to types of segmentation and approaches to segmentation)
• Marketing Defined (Questions related to how to define the target market, marketing strategies, and
marketing decision-making)
• Marketing Research (Questions related to focus groups, customer satisfaction surveys, marketing
• Marketing Strategy (Questions related to marketing management, planning for marketing, and how
companies determine their marketing strategy)
• Marketplace and Market Share (Questions related to generic vs. specific market, economics of
scale, and product-market decision-making)
• Types of Marketing (Questions related to positioning, marketing partners, marketing collaboration,
and service marketing)
Business Finance
• Balance Sheets and Financial Statements (Questions related to income statements, use of the
balance sheet, analyzing financial statements)
• Cash Flows and Budgets (Questions related to cash budgets, asset characterization, noncash
charges, and corporate cash)
• Corporate Earnings, Stocks, and Bonds (Questions related to equity, bonds, net working capital,
investment, and market-to-book ratio)
• Corporate Financial Structures (Questions related to partnerships, corporations, bylaws, public
companies, Sarbanes Oxley Act)
• Debt, Equity, and Depreciation (Questions related to fixed assets, operating costs, the mix of debt
and equity, and depreciation)
• Financial Ratios (Questions related to debt-to-equity ratios, earnings per share, turnover ratio,
return on equity, earnings before interest, net present value, quick ratio, and use of financial ratios)
• Financing, Forecasting, and Planning (Questions related to leverage, financing assets, the role of
financial planning and forecasting)
• Assets and Liabilities (Questions related to cost-flow assumptions, bad debt, and income tax
• Audits, Auditing, and Balance Sheets (Questions related to a fiscal year, accrual accounting,
internal control, GAAP, and profitability)
• Capital Investments (Questions related to recover of investment, capital investment proposals, and
net present value)
• Credits and Debits (Questions related to how debits and credits are posted to accounts)
• Equity (Questions related to owners’ equity, paid-in capital, and net)
• Net Present Value (Questions related to calculating and using NPV)
Management Sub-Topic: Human Resource Management
• HR Affirmative Action (Questions related to Affirmative Action Programs and compliance with
federal law)
• Employee Turnover (Questions related to voluntary vs. involuntary turnover)
• Equal Employment Opportunity (Questions related to EEO rules, employee rights, and
employment agencies)
• Human Resource Planning, Assessing, and Inventories (Questions related to employment
forecasting, role of company goals in employment planning, job design, and job analysis)
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• Recruiting and Retention (Questions related to sources of employees, recruitment activities,
retraining, and retention tracking)
Management Sub-Topic: Organizational Behavior
• Career Planning and Employee Development (Questions related to diversity, organizational
design, and Knowledge/Skills/Abilities (KSAs))
• Division of Labor and Organization (Questions related to organizational levels, hierarchy, network
organizations, and span of control)
• Employee Values, Motivations, and Characteristics (Questions related to understanding employee
motivations and behaviors, verbal communications, employee attitudes, and knowledge transfer)
• International and Multinational Organizations (Questions related to multinational design, global
mindsets, and worldwide perspectives)
• Organizational Culture, Ethics, and Values (Questions related to diversity, ethical dilemmas,
developing culture, codes of conduct, and culture strategies)
• Organizational Design and Structure (Questions related to organic organization, mechanistic
organization, bureaucracy, functional design, and determining the right design/structure)
• Organizational Strategies (Questions related to differentiation strategies, technological change,
and network-designed strategies)
Legal Environment of Business
• Business Entities and Structure (Questions related to corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, Scorporations, and general partnerships)
• Common Law (Questions related to role of common law, double jeopardy, US and English
Common Law systems, and civil law systems)
• Legal Agreements and Documents (Questions related to fiduciary duty, prosecution, civil
proceedings, and the responsible corporate officer)
• Regulation and Control (Questions related to FTC Act, sources of international law, state laws, and
the Cyber Security Enhancement Act)
• Tariffs and Taxes (Questions related to who imposes tariffs and taxes)
• Tort and Liability (Questions related to trespass, negligence, punitive damages, privilege, libel,
intentional torts, and invasion of privacy)
• Trade Laws and Regulations (Questions related to regulating business ownership and international
Economics: Sub-Topic: Macroeconomics
• Employment and Unemployment (Questions related to full employment, actual employment,
cyclical unemployment rate, unemployment rates, and calculating employment rates)
• Gross and Net Domestic Product (calculating and using GDP and NDP)
• Income, Debt, and Investment (Questions related to calculating total income, debt, and
• Inflation and Interest Rates (Questions related to recession, economic trend data, and inflation
• International Trade (Questions related to net imports and net exports)
• Pricing and Price Indexing (Questions related to Consumer Price Index, depreciation, and base
Economics: Sub-Topic: Microeconomics
• Elasticity (Questions related to calculating price elasticity, demand, and inelastic demand)
• Pricing (Questions related to equilibrium price, demand effects on price, and marginal utility)
• Supply and Demand (Questions related to supply/demand curves, equilibrium, and using
supply/demand diagrams)
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Business Ethics
• Corporate Social Responsibility (Questions related to social reputation, corporate philanthropy,
human rights, power, and ethics)
• Discrimination (Questions related to racial and sexual discrimination)
• Ethical Decision-Making (Questions related to external rewards, models of ethical decision making,
utilitarian reasoning, and business ethics)
• Individual and Corporate Ethics and Culture (Questions related to developing an ethical corporate
• International Ethical Standards (Questions related to ethical issues for companies doing business
• Stakeholder Relations (Questions related to how to engage stakeholders)
Global Dimensions of Business
• Collusion and Anti-Trust (Questions related to dumping, explicitly collusion, anti-trust law, and antitrust policy)
• Global Regulation and Governance (Questions related to European Union, Group of Eight, the
United Nations, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
• Global Structures and Strategies (Questions related to World Trade Organization, common
markets, barriers for entrants, exporting, and industry-based considerations)
• Multinational Corporations and Enterprises (Questions related to global corporattions)
• Treaties and International Trade (Questions related to defining a global company, an international
division, and knowledge management in a global firm)
Information Management Systems
• Artificial Intelligence (Questions related to cybernetic systems, defining AI, and AI systems)
• Data and Information (Questions related to expert systems, supply chain management,
input/output, and information databases)
• Decision-Support Systems (Questions related to the design and use of decision-support systems)
• Geographic Information Systems (Questions related to the design and use of GIS systems)
• Information Security (Questions related to establishing and maintaining information security)
• Information Technology (Questions related to hardware/software, extranet, intranet, and ebusiness)
Quantitative Techniques and Statistics
• Data Analysis Techniques (Questions related to relationships between variables, sampling,
measuring variation, estimating, and standard errors)
• Descriptive Statistics (Questions related to percentiles, mean, median, mode, and variance)
• Hypothesis Testing (Questions related to when to reject or not reject the null hypothesis)
• Inferential Statistics (Questions related to estimating and inferring from data)
• Power Analysis (Questions related to assessing the power of a test)
• Probability (Questions related to p-value, one-tailed tests, and two-tailed tests)
• Sampling Errors (Questions related to sampling and non-sampling errors)
• Sampling Methods and Research Design (Questions related to populations and samples, cluster
sampling and random sampling)
• Significance Levels (Questions related to determining p-values)
• Simulation Models (Questions related to using graphical models)
• Type I and Type II Errors (Questions related to defining and understanding Type I and Type II
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Business Leadership
• Coaching and Mentoring (Questions related to mentoring, executive coaching, and mentoring
• Leader Traits and Effectiveness (Questions related to leadership values, emotional intelligence,
enthusiastic leader, and self-awareness in leaders)
• Leadership Development (Questions related to education, succession planning, and feedback)
• Leadership Styles and Approaches (Questions related to positional leadership, executive leaders,
leadership competencies, and authority)
• Power and Legitimacy (Questions related to sources of power, socialized power, and contingent
reward and punishment behavior)
Business Integration and Strategic Management
• Business and Corporate-level Strategies (Questions related to localization strategy, international
strategy, economic of scale, emergent strategies, and business-level vs. corporate-level strategies)
• Continuous Improvement (Questions related to quality management, Six Sigma, Just-in-time
delivery, and sources of information regarding quality)
• Corporate Structure and Governance (Questions related to managers, strategic leadership, goals,
leverage, and company officers)
• Managers and Management Structure (Questions related to competitive intelligence, managing
people, learning, and functional managers)
• Marketing Strategy and Market Positioning (Questions related to global expansion, small-scale
entry, and the marketing strategic in market positioning)
• Mission and Vision (Questions related to the purpose and use of mission and vision relative to
corporate strategy)
• Shareholder Value and Return (Questions related to obligations to provide shareholder value and
return on investment)
• Strategic Analysis Tools (Questions related to the SWOT analysis, feedback, and ability to meet
financial obligations)
• Strategic Planning and Decision-Making (Questions related to steps in strategic planning and how
to make company-level decisions)
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MBA Sample Questions
Sample Question 1
Coordinating the flow of all goods, services and information among channel members, and
throughout the channel, is referred to as:
A. supply chain management
B. distribution channel
C. logistics
E. flow marketing
Correct Response: C
Sample Question 2
For both managers and external financial analysts, __________ is the single most important
accounting number found on the income statement.
A. net income (net profit after tax)
B. earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
C. earnings available for common stockholders
D. operating profit
Correct Response: A
Sample Question 3
The percent of fixed assets to total assets is an example of:
A. vertical analysis
B. solvency analysis
C. profitability analysis
D. horizontal analysis
Correct Response: A
Sample Question 4
If a quality improvement plan is implemented and then periodically evaluated and it is
discovered that the plan did not show improvement, what should be done?
A. Earlier assumptions need to be reevaluated
B. Standardize for the future
C. Celebrate
Correct Response: A
Sample Question 5
The ____ is a program developed by the industrialized countries to assist developing nations by
improving their ability to export.
A. World Trade Organization
B. Developing Nations Schedule
C. Harmonized Tariff Schedule
D. Generalized System of Preferences
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Correct Response: D
Sample Question 6
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total market value of all:
A. final goods and services produced annually within a country’s borders
B. final and intermediate goods and services produced annually within a country’s borders
C. intermediate goods and services produced annually within a country’s borders
D. final goods and services produced every month within a country’s borders.
Correct Response: A
Sample Question 7
As the price of good A rises, the demand for good B rises. Therefore, goods A and B are:
A. normal goods
B. inferior goods
C. substitutes
D. complements.
Correct Response: C
Sample Question 8
The use of bribery in international business is:
A. totally unacceptable
B. acceptable in the United States
C. a cost of conducting business in any country
D. an acceptable business practice in many countries’ cultures
Correct Response: D
Sample Question 9
In some industries where pressures for globalization are relatively low, local firms may possess
some skills and assets that are transferable overseas, thus leading to a/an _____ strategy.
A. Defender
B. Extender
C. Dodger
D. Contender
Correct Response: B
Sample Question 10
Many IT professionals start their careers as programmers, or programmer/analysts, and then
are promoted to ____, positions that require a broad range of skills.
A. network administrators
B. network analysts
C. systems administrators
D. systems analysts
Correct Response: D
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Sample Question 11
Coordinating the flow of all goods, services and information among channel members, and
throughout the channel, is referred to as:
A. supply chain management
B. distribution channel
C. logistics
D. flow marketing
Correct Response: C
Sample Question 12
Creativity among leaders tends to be distributed:
A. along a continuum from low to high
B. into being creative versus not creative
C. between old and young leaders
D. between planners versus implementers
Correct Response: A
Sample Question 13
The resources and capabilities that lead to the formation of distinctive competencies are mostly
created at which level of the organization?
A. Business
B. Functional
C. Corporate
D. Global
Correct Response: B
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Why is this exam required?
Each business program requires each student to take a comprehensive exam at the end of the
program. The purpose of this exam is to allow University of Arizona Global Campus the ability to
assess the quality of its academic programs, to improve programs and provide the best possible
educational experience for all students.
Q: How should I prepare for the exam?
The comprehensive exam includes topics covered throughout your degree program, which are
aligned to the topics required for accreditation. Your preparation for this exam comes from the
academic coursework you have already completed.
Q: Does this exam affect my final course grade?
Yes. You are awarded a grade based on exam completion. The exam will contribute 20% to
your course grade. Please refer to your course syllabus for the points and grading scale. The
exam is graded on a curve relative to the national norms.
Q: How many questions are on the exam?
There are approximately 90-120 multiple choice and True/False questions on the exam.
Q: How much time do I have to take the exam?
Typically, the exam takes approximately 50-190 minutes. You have 48 hours to complete the
exam once the exam has been started. The clock starts as soon as you begin the exam, not
from when you purchased the exam.
Q: How much time is allowed to answer each question?
You are allowed 5 minutes to answer each question. You will see the time remaining on the
screen for each question during the exam.
Q: Can I “back track” or skip questions during the exam?
No, you will not be able to go back to a question if you decide to skip it. Do your best to answer
each question within the allotted time. Unanswered questions will be graded as 0 points.
Unanswered questions are weighted the same as questions answered incorrectly.
Q: How do I purchase and access the exam?
You will need a computer with Internet access. No other plug-ins are required. The cost of the
exam is automatically applied to each student’s ledger, and it is accessed through the exam link
within your capstone course.
To access the exam, please click on the exam link within the course assignment area through
your UAGC course website. The hyperlink directs your Web browser to the appropriate exam
site and auto-fills the registration information. It will also send your results back to the
Gradebook automatically upon completion of the exam.
Page 22 of 23
Q: Who do I contact if I purchased the wrong exam?
Before completing the exam, contact Peregrine Academic Services at
[email protected] to identify the correct exam and they will assist you.
The exam in this course is unique to each program. Students must select their degree program
from the Purchase Options drop-down menu. When you purchase the CPC exam, you must
select your corresponding degree program from the drop-down menu. It is critical to your
success that you select the correct exam. Graduate programs that share the BUS692 course
• Master of Business Administration (MBA)
• Master of Arts in Organizational Management (MAOM)
• Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)
Q: What if I have purchased the exam with a different e-mail than in my Student Profile?
First, try to access the exam through the course website. If you receive an error message, follow
the instructions on screen to change your email address. If that does not resolve the issue,
please contact PAS technical support at: www.PeregrineAcademics.com/Support E-mail:
[email protected]
Q: What do I do if the exam did not start? Trouble Shooting Tips
If the exam does not start, double check your pop-up blocker and/or personal firewall settings.
The exam opens in a new window. Turn the pop-up blocker off. Add this site to your “safe sites”
list within your personal firewall settings. Another option will be to select the link provided to
launch the exam in another window. If you receive an error message when attempting to access
the exam, follow the instructions on your screen to address the issue. If that does not resolve
the issue, contact PAS technical
support at: www.PeregrineAcademics.com/Support E-mail: [email protected]
Q: Can I take breaks during the exam?
Yes, two 15-minute breaks are allowed for the entire exam, which is not based on the number of
log-in attempts. You are allowed to stop during an exam and restart at a later time. However,
you only have 3 log-in attempts within the 48 hours. Also, when you re-start an exam, you will
resume on the next question in the exam, not the one you left. After 48 hours or more than 3
log-in attempts, the exam site is inaccessible and a grade will be generated, assigning 0 points
to unanswered questions. These restrictions are necessary to preserve the academic integrity
of the exam process.
Q: Who do I contact if my exam grade didn’t post?
First, please wait at least 1 hour. If the grade is not posted within an hour, it will generally post at
the end of the day.
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Exam Validity and Reliability
Peregrine Academic Services provides nationally normed, summative assessment services for
Business Administration academic programs that are used for internal and external
programmatic evaluation. Peregrine places a high priority on ensuring colleges and universities
are provided with valid and reliable assessment instruments that can be incorporated into their
academic programs to measure learning outcomes to serve accreditation, accountability and
continuous improvement needs. Practices to ensure exam quality begin at the concept stage
and continue through beta-testing, and with ongoing regularly scheduled quality reviews.
Reliability refers to the extent to which the exam results are repeatable.
Validity refers to the extent to which results are relevant and meaningful.
To ensure reliability the following measures are adopted:
• Peer review and sensitivity analysis was included as part of exam question
• Exam scoring is objective using automated marking.
• Each exam is unique using a random selection of questions from the test bank in
random topic order.
• Timed response periods for questions. When the user navigates away from the exam
screen, the screen fades, a message appears informing the user that he/she has left the
exam window and the questions are timed.
• Students are unable to copy/paste from the exam window.
• The exam services meet the security requirements for Management of Information
Technology (MIS) Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliant organizations.
• Reliability stability was confirmed during the initial beta-testing with no statistically
significant difference in scores (p<.05).
• Abandoned exams are excluded from summary reports.
To ensure exams are valid the following measures are adopted:
• Exam questions are written and reviewed by academic professionals within each
• Psychometric analysis was conducted to eliminate substandard questions following
initial beta-testing and after use by institutions. Annual test bank reviews are conducted.
• Questions have a subject-level designation with 4-8 subjects per topic.
• Exam responses are either correct or incorrect with only one possible correct choice.
• Scores are determined by summarizing the percent correct: per subject, per topic, and
by total score.
• Many questions focus on application of concepts.



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