ELSE 6013 Contemporary Issues
Name: Date:
Assistive technology in their simplest form are equipment designed to help individuals function in their environment. Years of using assistive technology by special education teachers and support staff have enabled students with disabilities to bypass their educational weaknesses and augment their individual strengths. As special education teachers, it is important to know a variety of teaching methods and AT used to meet the differing needs of students with learning and behavior problems. A variety of teaching strategies, math enhancement skills, and curriculum-based measurements can be used as tools to assess students’ progress and help them reach their math goals.
Your math plans should include the following:
Background knowledge
Tasks: What task do you want the student to do that relates to the area of concern in math?
Gain fluency in reading math
Demonstrate ability to perform math computations
Align a problem and apply steps
Write or draw a mathematical notation
Apply math skill in context (purchasing, filling online form, cashapp/PayPal, and balancing accounts)
AT Services Needed: Visual, Physical, Literacy, Memory (math facts)
Example of tools: Math Keyboard, Flashmaster, Adapted Measuring Devices, verbal watches, onscreen calculators, alternative keyboards, graph creators, digital math dictionaries, etc.
Math manipulatives
A lesson plan is the teacher’s road map of what Students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time with the use of AT. Before you plan your lesson, you will first need to identify the learning objectives for class session (or individual Student).
A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates these three key components:
Goals/Objectives for Student learning
Teaching/learning activities
Strategies to incorporate accommodations
Specifying concrete math objectives for Student learning will help you determine the kinds of teaching, AT, and learning activities you will use in class, while those activities will define how you will check whether the learning objectives have been accomplished.
Lesson Plan Format
Graduate Candidates are asked to use the attached SPED edTPA Lesson Plan Template. When submitting your assignment, do not include the rubric below or the guidelines/instructions above.
Special Education edTPA Lesson Plan #_______
Use this template to create your lesson plan, then remove all “extra” instructions/hints. The scorers only want to see your plan (along with the section titles). Remember this can only be four pages per lesson.
Candidate: Date(s): Grade(s)
Subject: University Supervisor
Lesson Title: Cooperating Teacher:
School: Focus Learner:
Learning Standards
Include where the standards are from and list the complete standards
Learning Objective(s)
What the specific learning objective(s) for learners in this lesson? (# the objectives) Objective must have measurable criteria.
Focus Learner’s Learning Goal and Objective(s)
State the learning goal for the edTPA lesson segment. State the specific lesson objective(s) for the focus learner. Objectives must have measurable criteria.
Prior Knowledge and Concepts
What knowledge, skills, and concepts must learners already know to be successful with this lesson? What prior knowledge and/or gaps in knowledge do your learners have that are necessary to support the learning of the skills and concepts for this lesson>
Assessments: Include each assessment and associated evaluation criteria/rubric at the end of the lesson plan. Each objective must be linked to at least one assessment. Use as many rows as needed.
(#s) Type of assessment (formal, informal, summative, formal) Assessment/data collection tools (i.e. checklist, rubric, exit slip, complete project, etc.) Measurable Evaluation Criteria-State the expected level(s) of performance and how you will determine the degree to which students have met the learning objective. Feedback-What specific, meaningful and descriptive feedback will you give to learners? Include reinforcement and error correction.
Procedure – Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Sufficient detail should be given so that another teacher could teach from this lesson plan without question. Classroom management considerations such as time allotment for each activity, how materials will be passed out, etc. need to be precisely documented.
Anticipatory Set
How will you launch the lesson to engage and motivate students in learning?
How will you transfer students’ prior academic learning and their personal/cultural and community assets to the new content (skills and concepts)?
Basic Procedures/
Instructional Strategies
What will you do to engage learners in developing understanding of the lesson objective(s)? What will learners do?
What will you say and do? What questions will you ask?
How will you give learners the opportunity to practice and apply learning so you can provide feedback?
How will you determine if learners are meeting the intended learning objectives?
How will you structure opportunities for learners to work with partners or in groups? What criteria will you use when forming groups?
Communication Skill for the focus learner
One communication skill that the focus learner(s) will need to participate in the learning tasks and/or demonstrate learning. State as an objective.
Planned Supports: Explain how you plan to support the focus learner’s use of the communication skill.
Teaching of generalization, maintenance, and/or self-directed learning:
Strategies for how the learning tasks, materials and/or planned supports will promote generalization, maintenance and/or self-directed learning.
How will you refer back to the learning objective and guide students to reflect on their learning and generalize what they have learned?
Materials/Resources, including any modifications or accommodations to the materials for the focus learner (include citations for all materials/resources):
Modifications or Accommodations to Support Diverse Learners
Address the needs of all exceptional learners (with IEPs and 504 plans). Add as many rows as needed.
Content – How will you adapt the content to make it accessible for the learner?
Process – How will you adapt the process of learning and participation in the activities?
Product-How will the learner demonstrate what he/she learned, knows, understands, and is able to do as a result of this lesson, given adaptations to the product?
What are common errors and misunderstandings and strategies for responding to them?
Reflection of teaching: Complete this section after you teach. Consider the following questions as a guide for your thinking. How did your instruction engage and motivate the learners? How did your instruction support learning for the whole group and for individual learners? How did you respond to each learner and give him/her feedback regarding the lesson? What changes would you make to your instruction to better support the learners related to the lesson objectives and goals? Why do you think these changes would improve learning? Based on how your lesson went, what would you recommend as the next steps for instruction?
You will not teach this lesson; just add what you think should be included to make this your BEST lesson.
Note: edTPA lesson plans can be no more than 4 pages in length. Delete extra spaces and empty boxes.
See rubric on following page.
Exemplary Acceptable Unacceptable
Lesson Plan Rubric
Identifying Information Candidate provides all identifying information as prescribed in guidelines.
10 points Candidate fails to provide all identifying information as prescribed in guidelines.
0 points
Standards: Math Goal and Objective(s) Candidate identifies and refines measurable learning objective(s) based on an understanding of Students’ learning and development.
20 points Candidate identifies the goal and objective(s) based on curriculum resource and not Student’s IEP/ability.
15 points Candidate fails to identify goal and/or measurable objective(s) for the lesson.
10 points
Mathematic Vocabulary Candidate identifies and correctly defines all new vocabulary that is clear, and appropriate for Students. And provides opportunities for Students to learn and use vocabulary throughout the lesson.
10 points Candidate identifies and correctly defines all new vocabulary that is clear, and appropriate for Students.
7 points Candidate identifies all potentially new vocabulary with limited definitions.
4 points
Assessment Candidate includes a variety of classroom assessments (formative & summative) which align with the learning objective. And designs and utilizes a variety of assessment tools which take into consideration Student learning difference and provide multiple ways to demonstrate performance.
20 points Candidate identifies and correctly defines all new vocabulary that is clear, and appropriate for Students.
15 points Candidate includes assessments, but these are limited in type (e.g., only summative) and/or are poorly aligned to learning objective(s).
10 points
Student Considerations/Modifications or Accommodations Plan includes strategies, modified materials, tools, and/or technology that reflects research-based methods; plan includes an appropriate balance of support/challenge to move all Students forward.
20 points Plan reflects a basic understanding of child/adolescent development, new language acquisition, exceptional needs, and/or Students’ background knowledge; plan does not meet the basic legal requirements for some populations.
15 points Plan reflects a basic understanding of child/adolescent development, new language acquisition, exceptional needs, and/or Students’ background knowledge; plan does not meet the basic legal requirements for diverse populations.
10 points
Instructional Resources, Materials and Assistive Technology Candidate includes a range of materials, resources, and assistive technologies to engage learners and provide for optimal learning. Additional resources are listed to extend learning or remediate as needed.
15 points Candidate includes resources, materials, and assistive technology listed and are appropriate for the learners and the content.
10 points Candidate provides resources, materials, and assistive technology are listed, however some are inappropriate, do not fit support the content, and or support Student learning.
5 points
Other Personnel in the Classroom Candidate plans roles and directions for/with other adults in order to promote full Student engagement. (e.g., therapist, para-professional, etc.)
10 points Candidate lists names and describes role of the other adults (expected to be in the present) during the lesson.
7 points Candidate lists names of other adults (who are expected to be present) during the lesson.
4 points
Procedures: Prior Knowledge and Anticipatory Set Candidate makes connections to Students’ prior knowledge thus making the lesson content more accessible to the Students.
15 points Candidate plans an opening statement/experience of the topic to generate interest in the lesson amongst Students.
10 points Candidate plans an opening statement of what topic will be covered.
7 points
Procedures/Instructional Strategies: Middle Candidate chooses developmentally appropriate strategies, methods, and instructional tools to provide for Student choice and mastery of lesson objectives. And candidate varies her/his role in the instructional process (e.g., instructor, facilitator, coach, audience), as/if appropriate, in relation to the content and purposes of the instruction.
25 points Candidate chooses instructional tools, methods and strategies that are aligned and developmentally appropriate for most Students.
Candidate provides evidence of only assuming one instructional role (such as only providing direct instruction) where varied roles would have been more appropriate for the content and purposes of the instruction.
20 points Candidate planned activities align with the content standards and/or learning objectives.
Candidate does not provide evidence of her/his instructional role in relation to the content and purposes of the instruction.
15 points
Procedures: Closing Candidate involves Students in the review of the content to provide the teacher with information about Student learning as part of the closure.
15 points Candidate synthesizes major points and previews learning to come as part of the closure.
10 points Candidate synthesizes and reinforces major points from the lesson as part of the closure.
7 points
Submission Candidate submitted plans that are professional.
5 points Candidate failed to submit professional plans.
0 points