Moving Average Forecasting – Avocados!
After viewing the video in Module #3, “Time Series Forecasting: Introduction,” you should be able to complete a spreadsheet that is similar to the example used by Mr. Macarty in the video. As part of this assignment, you will find an Excel file for you to complete. You should be able to complete all of the cells that are not locked (i.e., all of the cells highlighted in yellow in the diagram below.
Assignment Part #1 – Complete the following:
⦁ Conventional avocado price 5-week moving average forecast for 2/6/2020 through 12/31/2020
⦁ Organic avocado price 5-week moving average forecast for 2/6/2020 through 12/31/2020
⦁ Conventional avocado sales 5-week moving average forecast for 2/6/2020 through 12/31/2020
⦁ Organic avocado sales 5-week moving average forecast for 2/6/2020 through 12/31/2020
⦁ Weekly Forecast Error calculations for all forecasts from 2/6/2020 through 12/24/2020
⦁ Conventional avocado price 5-week moving average forecast in column H
⦁ Organic avocado price 5-week moving average forecast in column I
⦁ Conventional avocados sold 5-week moving average forecast in column N
⦁ Organic price 5-week moving average forecast in column O
⦁ Conventional avocado price 5-week moving average forecast MAPE in cell H4 (MAPE measurements need to be formatted as percentages).
⦁ Organic avocado price 5-week moving average forecast MAPE in cell I4 (MAPE measurements need to be formatted as percentages).
⦁ Conventional avocados sold 5-week moving average forecast MAPE in cell N4 (MAPE measurements need to be formatted as percentages).
⦁ Organic avocados sold 5-week moving average forecast MAPE in cell O4 (MAPE measurements need to be formatted as percentages).
Assignment Part #2 – Complete the following:
Create and insert three-line graphs as indicated below
Graph Weekly Conventional and Organic Avocado Prices (2020)
⦁ Data line for 2020 Conventional Weekly Avocado Price
⦁ Data line for 2020 Organic Weekly Avocado Price
⦁ Chart Title
⦁ x-Axis with week number indicated
⦁ y-Axis with avocado price indicated
⦁ x-Axis Title
⦁ y-Axis Title
⦁ Legend
Graph of 2020 weekly avocado prices and sales for conventional avocados
⦁ Data line for 2020 Conventional Weekly Avocado Sales on the primary axis
⦁ Data line for 2020 Conventional Weekly Avocado Prices on the secondary axis
⦁ Chart Title
⦁ x-Axis with week number indicated
⦁ y-Axis with avocado sales indicated
⦁ x-Axis Title
⦁ y-Axis Title
⦁ Legend
Graph of 2020 weekly avocado prices and sales for organic avocados
⦁ Data line for 2020 Organic Weekly Avocado Sales on the primary axis
⦁ Data line for 2020 Organic Weekly Avocado Prices on the secondary axis
⦁ Chart Title
⦁ x-Axis with week number indicated
⦁ y-Axis with avocado price indicated
⦁ x-Axis Title
⦁ y-Axis Title
⦁ Legend
The graphs should appear as in the examples below. Do not copy these images into your Excel document. Doing so will result in you receiving zero credit for the graphs in your final grade for this assignment.
Assignment Part #3 – Answer the questions on the second tab of the spreadsheet:
Notes: Submit your Excel document to the proper dropbox.
Grading: Assignment is worth 80 points as follows:
⦁ Correct data calculated in respective cells 48 points
⦁ Correct graphs and graph elements 24 points
⦁ Questions on Question Tab 8 points