Part 1: Locate five peer-reviewed articles published within the past 5 years related to a topic
of interest you wish to explore for your dissertation research. Do not include book chapters,
books, editorials, white papers, trade magazine articles, or non-peer-reviewed sources. Then,
complete the following for each source in the form of an annotated bibliography:
1. Begin each annotation with an APA formatted reference.
2. Then, annotate the source with a block paragraph. The annotation should be double
spaced, 200-250 words, including a brief synopsis of the article, the problem, the
purpose, a description of the methodology, the findings, the recommendations for
future research, and any particular strengths or weaknesses of the article.
5 peer-reviewed articles:
– Two-Way Communication During Covid-19: A Lesson from Indonesia’s Church
Online Worship
– Two or Three Gathered Online: Asian and European Responses to COVID-19 and the
Digital Church
– Pandemic ecclesiology: Church re-actualisation during the pandemic
– Design and Implementation of Web-based Church Information Systems
– Gather Us In: Building Meaningful Relationships in Catholic Schools amid a COVID19 Context
Part 2: After reviewing each annotation, describe the topic you wish to explore for your
dissertation research. This topic should logically flow from the gaps in the literature noted in
your annotations.
Total Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages. APA.