The story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire is multidimensional. The tragedy, which caused
the death of 146 garment workers, highlighted many of the issues that defined urban life
in turn-of-the-century America. These topics include, but are not limited to labor unions,
immigration, industrialization, and factory girls working in sweatshop conditions in
Manhattan’s garment district. March 25, 1911 became a benchmark moment in the
Progressive Era that ultimately resulted in drastic changes in labor standards for
factories across New York City, and later the nation. However, with the horrifying death
toll, mostly young immigrant women, it is a story that highlights early 20th century labor
activism, the power of big business, and the emerging voice of women, still silenced at
the voting booths. Through this tragic event, we can learn about not only the women
who died but the movement that they provoked and the conditions of labor that they
forever changed. For this assignment you will be looking at a short video about the
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire as well as an article about effective change after this event.
Watch the video:
Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist fire:
1. Why did this particular event, quite a ways into the Progressive movement,
create such a national impact leading to wider change?
2. On the eve of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, what were the conditions of the
sweatshops of Manhattan in 1911 and how were individuals seeking change?
To what extent had change been achieved in terms of workplace safety by
Progressivism before the fire? (cite examples).
3. Why is reform necessary for democracy? Cite evidence from the sources,
chapter reading or your knowledge of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.
Sufficient = 300 words, substantive and addresses the prompt