Total Points: 100
Final Draft of Capstone Project Paper
Due Oct 28 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload
Available until Oct 28 at 11:59pm
Capstone Paper Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
5 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
5 pts
10 pts
Start Assignment
Students will submit a Final Draft of their Capstone Project Paper. The paper should include all sections
from the previous Bi Weekly assignments 1-4 along with a conclusion section.
Title Page
Was there a title page? Is it in APA style with the Student’s name, Date, Class Name,
Capstone Paper Title?
Did the student begin their paper with an introductory paragraph which gave their main
purpose in researching the topic?
Research Methods
Did the student discuss the research methods employed in the study? Was the data properly
collected and analyzed?
Statistical Methods
Did the student explain the specific statistical methods used and the rationale for their use?
Was it reported in an accurate format?
Was there an ending paragraph which tied all of the student’s findings together? Did the
conclusion leave any questions unanswered?
Were any references correctly cited in APA style?
Format/Spelling or Grammar errors
Was there a minimum number of typed pages, double spaced with 12 font? Were there any
grammatical errors? Were there any typographical errors?