Pape’r Topi’cs: The text by Richard Ingersoll includes numerous buildings and
traditions that we will not have time to discuss in class lectures. Pick a top’ic of
interest—building, culture, architect- and writ’e a pape’r on the subje’ct.
Another potential source of ideas is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Topi’cs must
fall between the Neolithic period to 1200 CE (AD).
The writt’en section should be 4-8 pag’es maximum, double spaced, in 12 pt type
using any font, with a separate pag’e of end notes (as applicable) and at least 5
diverse referenc’es with images and any other graphics. This assignment will test
the student’s resear’ch abilities.
Spelling and grammar are important and will
count as part of the grade.
A Few Hints:
Keep your topi’c focused.
Although you will need to locate the
building/site/architect within the cultural context or period, avoid broad
topi’cs like “the Gothic Cathedrals of France.”
Begin your pape’r with a the’sis statement: (in pr or news writ’ing this
would be the who/why/where/what). Thus in the first paragra’ph lav out
your topi’c, what are you planning to discuss? But avoid putting
yourself into the pape’r: this is an objective research pape’r.
On grading the term pape’rs:
so I first looked to see whether you fulfilled the basic requirements of an
approved topi’c, had 5-8 pag’es of text, and with at least 5 referen’ces (ideally not
just online sour’ces).
Then content:
Was the thesis clearly stated?
Was the time period (s) of the building or site noted correctly—what
were the dates of the construction/the Dynasties etc. This is a history
class so putting events clearly in time, even when it is circa, is critical.
And yes writi’ng: grammar and spelling were usually corrected and some
points were taken off for multiple errors.
Clarity: one should always writ’e as if the reader does NOT know the
topi’c. Thus one should always put the building or site in a clear context
at the beginning of the pape’r: where is it, when was it built, why is it
One common mistake many made was relying too much on using quotes from
referen’ces instead of paraphrasing and synthesizing the data into the text of the
pape’r. One should only use a direct quote when it is critical, states an important
opinion, or is just really a cool statement about the site or building.
The positives:
There was some very good work, on a variety of interesting topi’cs. Some
places were new to me which meant I did some additional research and
thus also learned along with you!
Although a history term pape’r is usually not subjective, a few of you made
charming.personal connections to the site or topi’c that was