Remember to write your final paper from a managerial prospective. You are the executive charge.
The students will place themselves in an Executive Role.
They will lead a drastic change within the organization they are employed by. If not, they can select an organization they want to write about. The body of the paper will consist of the following: The change that needs to take place within the organization, the steps to implement the change, the end-result of the change that is implemented.
The paper should not exceed (10) pages in length, inclusive of all sections. The introduction should provide a brief but sufficient foundation for understanding the case, its key facts and pressing issues. Students should focus their efforts in the body of the paper by providing adequate analysis based on the facts of the case, as opposed to an elaborate description of such facts.
Below is the full description and outline of your final paper:
A Case Analysis Paper (Final Paper) is due on the last class session.
Students are required to analyze a case study to be assigned by the professor. The case study analysis paper must be submitted using APA-style formatting. Students must address the topic in sufficient depth, and are expected to supplement their analysis with research that goes beyond what is presented in the case and textbook. Good writing, consistent logic and cogent arguments are positive traits of any written assignment and will be considered for grading purposes. Students are required to use proper APA-style in-text citations and referencing.
The case study analysis paper must contain the following sections:
- APA style cover page.
- Introduction.
Briefly summarize the key facts, scope and aspects of the case.
- Body of the paper.
- Conclusion.
Summarize your findings and recommendations.
- References.
Remember to have a minimum of three references.
**Remember to write the paper in third person not first person**
Final Paper Reminders
- Have In-Text Citations
- Write in third person, (the writer, the scholar, the author, etc.)
- Minimum of three references
- Have headings in your paper
- Have a Recommendation section