Discuss what we learn about cultural processes and ethnography (and their relationship to each other) in the following three works:
1. First Contact, 2. The Ax Fight, 3. Tajen: Interactive
In your answer, be sure to:
1. Define key terms like “culture” and “ethnography” and how they relate to each other
2. Organize your answer into at least ~3-5 paragraphs, ideally with your response including a central thesis statement, an introductory and concluding paragraph, and good cohesion across the paragraphs in relation to each other
3. Make specific references to these works’ details, such as key scenes, events, actors, quotes, themes, etc., to demonstrate your knowledge of and engagement with these works
4. Reference key readings and lectures; you can use a short-hand style like, (Perspectives chapter on language), (Snodgrass lecture week X), (Miner), etc.