Week #7 VCS Alternative Assignment (VCSA)
Your Name
Course Name – Course Code
Instructor Name
VCSA Submission Date
Week # VCSA Assignment
Begin your VCSA Assignment here. Double-space the entire document and one space between each sentence. Set the space before and after each paragraph to zero (0). Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard, or by using the paragraph formatting tool (best practice). Happy writing! This is where your introduction belongs, which is a quick overview of the class session.
Main Class Content Review
In these paragraphs, you should detail the major content reviewed by your professor. There should be sufficient detail, so that anyone reading this will have a good idea of the content discussed during the class session and would serve as valuable notes for any other student. For example, instead of stating “Prof. Jim talked about company communications…,” it would be more appropriate to write “Prof. Jim reviewed multiple company communications examples, including memos, regular emails, email blasts, loudspeaker announcements, letters, and more. We discussed the best time and way to use each of these depending on the situation. For example, an email blast might be appropriate for general updates on hours of operations, etc., but not for informing customers of issues with their accounts….”
Responses to Professor Questions3.
- For Master’s classes, write 4 paragraphs to answer the class work question:
The question is: Assuming you have established a healthcare business: name the business and discuss the following
- Name 2 ways of growing your business
- How would you differentiate your business from other business?
- Discuss how would you include quality and cost initiatives
- Discuss merger, acquisitions, partnership, and affiliation as strategic options for your business. Give specific examples.
- What factors would you consider generally when you decide to merge or acquire another business?
A complete paragraph would begin with the question asked, followed by your original thought as a response. This would be followed by outside information material (quotes or paraphrases) that supports your contentions, followed by your own thoughts and words explaining how the quote or paraphrase supports your thoughts.
In this paragraph, you must summarize in a few sentences what you learned, what you can apply, and what you will take with you in the future, without repeating yourself from the main body of the summary. Again, because this is a review, this cannot contain any new information, only a review, and because it is your own thoughts, there should not be any quoted or paraphrased material. Make sure that this is a complete paragraph. Notice if the paper has a continuous flow; there are no page breaks between sections. The only page breaks occur between the title page and the introduction, and between the summary or conclusions and the reference page. Note: If there is a header at the bottom of the page (on the last line), you will need to insert a page break immediately before the header to properly move it to the next page with its text.
This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete this line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with your reference entry. You need to have several of these as per the instructions.
For Integrative Studies courses, the required number of academic resources to include in the summary is 2.
For Bachelor’s classes (non-IS), the required number is 3.
For Master’s classes, the required number is 5.
For Doctoral classes, the required number is 7.