With the explosion of online investing tools there are many betas being reported by different organizations. Using your stock from Discussion week 2.1, look up the betas reported by 4 companies:
1. Yahoo Finance (finance.yahoo.com), under key statistics
2. Google (google.com/finance) and
3. CNN Money (money.cnn.com)
4. Value line (access the UMass Global Library: http://www1.chapman.edu/library/centers/index.html
Go to UMass Global Library:
Down at the bottom – under Database, select title, and enter.
On the left under refine search , select V from the drop down, then select Value line
Hit “connect” once you find it. Enter your stock symbol in the upper right and you can get the beta.
Report all 4 back here by saying which one came from which Beta search tool. Why do you think they are different? Explain your reasoning- is it the Beta search, the company or anything else?.
Hit “connect” once you find it. Enter your stock symbol in the upper right and you can get the beta.
Report all 4 back here by saying which one came from which Beta search tool. Why do you think they are different? Explain your reasoning- is it the Beta search, the company or anything else?.